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Displaying 2146-2160 of 2576 results found.

Frontline Sundays

Imagine what would happen if every Christian looked around at the people they spend their days with and asked God: how do you want me to be good news to the people here today? Frontline Sundays is everything you need to lead five Sunday services that will affirm, celebrate, and inspire your…

The Gateway Seven Series

We don’t read a novel the same way we read a legal document.We don’t read poetry in the same way we might read a letter from a friend. So, we don’t read the 66 books of the Bible as if they were all the same kind of writing. Story, song, law, letter, and more, all make up the rich repository of…

There is no planet B

Today, I have seemingly endless personal choices. I can wake up in Ireland and be in London or New York by lunchtime. I can work from my dining table and ‘meet’ people from across the globe on Zoom or on social media. I can’t buy milk directly from the farm across the road, but I can buy bananas…

8 November 2022
David Smyth

A prayer for COP27

Inspired by Psalm 8:3 "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?"

The power of hello

The smallest gestures can have the biggest impacts. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it feels like the world is creaking at the moment. We have lurched from a pandemic, to the threat of World War III, to a cost of living crisis. The Collins Dictionary word of the year is ‘permacrisis’, an…

17 November 2022
Phil Knox

He is my comfort during the holiday blues

My earliest memories of Christmas are happy ones. I remember I was delighted at being cast as 'sheep number two’ in the school nativity play in year four. I loved to decorate the Christmas tree and marvel every evening after school as I came home to find yet another present decoratively wrapped…

1 December 2022
Nicola Morrison

Game for change

Even if you are not a fan, it's hard to deny the impact football can have on a global scale. Especially the World Cup, when even the less enthused football fanatics from around the world are drawn to attend or watch on the big screen with friends and family for weeks on end, or at least until your…

8 November 2022
Nicola Morrison

Sexuality: a better story for our church and culture | Being Human

In this better story, our sexuality does not define us, and nor is sexual fulfilment the key to flourishing. Instead, our image bearing and nature and love of God does both.

The Wellbeing Journey

The Wellbeing Journey is a new, eight-part series to help churches and communities address the challenges of our times. Families in local churches are in a unique place to lead communities on this holistic journey to physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. The videos are presented by Simon Thomas…

Heart Behind The Art: an interview with Lou Fellingham

Lou is a wife and mother of three, she lives in Brighton and attends Emmanuel Church where she serves on the worship team. A self-confessed hugger and lover of people, Lou desires to share Jesus with others. Her husband Nathan is the other half of the formidable pair; former drummer of PHATFISH,…

19 December 2022
Nicola Morrison

Eight changes you should know about from the Autumn Statement

Many of the plans unveiled by Hunt yesterday were a stark contrast to those announced in September. The general response to Hunt’s statement has been one of cautious optimism for what these plans mean for those who are struggling financially. However, increased support in some areas results in…

18 November 2022
Nicola Martin

Carols in IKEA: how to bring the nativity to life

However, as people come and go to Christmas services, it sometimes leaves us wondering whether it makes any difference. Does anyone care about the real meaning of Christmas or are they just here for the free mince pies? There is something about Christmas that brings comfort. We eat the same foods…

21 November 2022
Leonie Dorland

ChurchWorks summit: exploring how the church can tackle the big issues

Those in attendance at the ChurchWorks summit heard from a range of panellists, who lead Christian-based charities operating in the areas of wellbeing, family and poverty. The discussion of how the church can work alongside policymakers was central to the day. There was an opening address from the…

25 November 2022
Nicola Martin

Scottish Independence: How did we get here?

What did the UK supreme court decide? Dorothy Bain KC, the Lord Advocate for the Scottish government, referred the question as to whether Holyrood has the legal powers to hold an independence referendum within its devolved powers to the UK supreme court. This is because there has been no agreement…

25 November 2022
Chris Ringland