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Displaying 2041-2055 of 2576 results found.

Why I'm celebrating International Friendship Day

Have you ever wondered what makes friendship so wonderful? The power of friendship is atomic. We were created to connect, crafted for community, designed with unity in mind. When God created the cosmos and its custodians, eight times He declared that “it is good.” The first thing that He finds to…

28 July 2022
Phil Knox

IDOP Online 2023

You are invited to join an evening of prayer to mark the Intentional Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Along with our friends from Open Doors, CSW and Release International we held an evening of prayer to mark the Intentional Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. We shared stories from…

Five ways to befriend people beyond your church walls

This was brand new territory for me. I didn’t know anyone and I couldn’t see how to quickly build friendships. A few other things happened that caused the little time I did have to get squeezed, to the point where building meaningful friendships, though desirable, seemed impossible. Whenever I did…

28 July 2022
Mark Greenwood

Five ways to help young people deepen their faith

Young people are in a season of life where they are in more places and with more people of diverse thinking and opinions than ever before, which also means that they are more likely to engage with Christians and Christian groups. That means that young people are influenced by us – what we do…

1 August 2022
Bethan Newman

Stepping out

How did you come to faith? My Dad is a Bible college lecturer and my Mum is a vicar, so faith has always been a big part of life. At the age of three, I decided I wanted to follow Jesus, and I was baptised at six. Have you always wanted to share your faith? My church growing up was held in the…

1 July 2022
Anna Seevaratnam

Gospel of Mark

This beautifully illustrated Gospel, published by HOPE Together in partnership with Biblica, is now in a mobile app format. A great resource for people who visit your church and those in your community who are exploring faith. What would you say if Mark, the writer of this book, could show you…

Drug deaths remain unacceptably high in Scotland

The drug death rate is arguably the biggest challenge Scotland faces. Collectively, Great Britain has one of the worst rates in Europe. But if Scotland is measured separately, the problem is significantly worse.

3 August 2022
Chris Ringland

Briefing: Weddings law in England and Wales

In summer 2019, the UK government commissioned the Law Commission to "provide recommendations that allow for greater choice within a simple, fair and consistent legal structure". A year later, the Law Commission published its consultation paper, hosting online conversations, roundtables and…

1 August 2022
Alicia Edmund

The voice of tomorrow’s church today

Here, Jesus-followers of all ethnicities don’t have to ‘fit in’ and leave their heritage at the door. This is a space where they know they are “no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people” (Ephesians 2:19). They are accepted as equals (Galatians 3:28). In such worship,…

4 August 2022
Ian Collinge

List of grant-making trusts and organisations that are taking applications from Christian charities

Experts are telling us the number of people saying they've recently donated to charity is decreasing; two-fifths of people report they will be cutting back on charity donations; and predictions state household income pressures and a slower recovery of consumer spending are likely to result in fewer…

What I've learnt from Jordan Peterson

Truth and the limits of the postmodern lens To do that, I need to take you back to my university experience. One of the first modules on my literature course was about “ways of reading”, the different ideas and lenses through which we can read a book. Some are helpful as we try to understand the…

4 August 2022
Helen Locke

Was doubting Thomas a postmodernist? | Being Human

For our quick take this week, Peter pays tribute to the apostle Thomas as 'the patron saint of postmodernism’.

The Evangelical Alliance joins the ‘Enough to Live’ campaign

Across the nation, there are growing concerns about how the increase in inflation and energy prices will see millions of families across the UK struggling to cope this winter. On Sunday, 7 August, the former prime minister Gordon Brown along with 56 faith groups, charities and regional politicians…

8 August 2022
Alicia Edmund

Intercultural Church Conversation 2022

The Intercultural Church Conversation (ICC) is a series of online events to promote the significance and application of an intercultural approach to church in the UK – in a season when there is division and polarisation in both church and society. For this session our focus is on intercultural…

50 years on – a refugee story to inspire the local church

Fast forward to more recent times, and I now count some of the next generation of those refugees among my closest friends. In 2012, we had the immense privilege to visit Uganda to help build a nursery in partnership with Watoto, the organisation famous for its children’s choir. We had awesome…

30 August 2022
Dayalan Mahesan