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Displaying 2011-2025 of 2576 results found.

Talking Jesus: The growing number of Christians of colour

The sample of over 900 practicing Christians is a microcosm which reflects the national picture and reflects patterns found in other research too. In 2012, almost half of all the worshippers in inner London were black, at 48 per cent. In 2017, non-white churchgoers formed a quarter, 26 per cent, of…

“I didn’t expect to survive”: the terrifying reality of being a Christian in northern Nigeria

In that time, thousands of Christians have been killed and many more displaced – the latter frequently ending up in what are referred to as Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) camps. Churches, homes and other properties have been destroyed. Christian leaders in Nigeria have repeatedly spoken of…

21 June 2022
Kenneth Harrod

Talking Jesus: None of the above

Freya, like most of my friends, is part of a growing group of people who choose to tick the box ‘none of the above’ when asked to describe their religious identity. While this group don’t feel they belong to any of the main religions, they do not understand themselves as agnostic or atheist.…

22 June 2022
Donna Jennings

Dance Fever and the freedom fallacy

The meanings of Florence’s songs on the album are hard to pin down, allowing her to explore freedom and death without being pinned down to one meaning. But there is a popular and enduring cultural idea underpinning her body of work: freedom is living your fullest life of self-expression,…

23 June 2022
Helen Locke

Is secular Britain reviving Christianity’s rituals? | Being Human

As a post-Christian society strives to create its own meaning and rituals, will we take the opportunity for deeper conversations about the source of true meaning?

Time to leave the culture wars behind

Context Fifty years ago, the US Supreme Court in Roe v Wade interpreted the constitution so as to introduce a right to abortion by extending the right to privacy. Last week, a majority opinion in a case called Dobbs v Jackson led to Roe being overturned. The result means that responsibility for…

1 July 2022
Dawn McAvoy

Praying time is never wasted time

I love John 15:15. It says, “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I have learned from my Father I have made known to you.” A revelation of this friendship will keep your prayer life alive. We…

4 August 2022
Rachel Hickson

Gambling review: A critical opportunity for the government to address gambling harm

The Evangelical Alliance has long worked for gambling laws that protect those most vulnerable and most likely to suffer damaging consequences. The current framework regulating gambling was passed into law in 2005, and we have been involved since long before that. We campaigned against proposals for…

1 July 2022
Danny Webster

Talking Jesus report

This ground-breaking Talking Jesus report borne out of a partnership between Alpha, the Evangelical Alliance, HOPE Together, Luis Palau Association and Kingsgate Community Church, shows the state of faith in the UK, how people come to faith in Jesus and how we, as the church, can talk about Jesus…

Freedom of religion and belief must be a mainstream issue, it cannot be ignored or overlooked

At the International Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief, governments committed to work towards preventing abuse and to promote and protect religious freedom. The event brought together representatives from more than a hundred countries, with many government ministers and…

7 July 2022
Danny Webster

Advancing religious freedom must be a priority for global leaders

The UK government should be commended for organising this much needed event, bringing together politicians and civil society from around the world, to highlight issues of persecution on the basis of faith. It was especially encouraging to see the focus on the plight of women and girls, who are…

8 July 2022
Janet Epp Buckingham

The Iranian church and the fight for freedom

Join Emma, as she highlights a story from the persecuted church in Iran. Amidst this cultural moment, what can we, the Western church, learn about true integrity and freedom?

Evangelical Alliance calls for "long-term solutions" for persecuted Christians worldwide at International Freedom of Religion or Belief Conference

The Evangelical Alliance urges the government not to miss the opportunity to demonstrate international leadership and protect the vulnerable communities of persecuted Christians around the world during the International Freedom of Religion or Belief Conference (FoRB), hosted by the UK Government in…

11 July 2022

Intercession is not complicated

So often we can be praying for something without really believing that the Lord can change the circumstances dramatically. We can easily give up praying because we feel weary, believe it’s never going to happen or even stop caring. Moody loved his friends so much that he kept on praying again and…

2 July 2022
Gavin Calver