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Displaying 1981-1995 of 2576 results found.

Pentecost and the Acts church today

The early church was birthed in this place. It wasn’t a strong army of people with all the answers, it was a young band of folk who were more hungry and desperate for God more than for anything else. And most importantly; they knew they were nothing and could do nothing without Him.

1 June 2022
Gavin and Anne Calver

Talking Jesus report is now live – available here

The hotly anticipated Talking Jesus report is now available here to download, view and share freely: DOWNLOAD THE REPORT NOW This ground-breaking report by Alpha, the Evangelical Alliance, HOPE Together, Luis Palau Association and Kingsgate Community Church shows the state of faith in the UK, how…

13 May 2022

Talking Jesus: Are “not-yet Christians” closer to trusting Jesus than we think?

Belief is everywhere, and what we believe as a nation not only matters, but may also surprise us. As the Evangelical Alliance, we have been working with partners to deliver Talking Jesus, research into the state of faith in the UK. The report was released last week and found that 45 per cent of…

18 May 2022
Gavin Calver

Talking Jesus: How to love people who don't love the church

Have you ever been surprised when you have heard someone described but then when you met that person they were completely different to what you were told? The Talking Jesus report shows that although non-Christians say that the church can be hypocritical and narrow-minded, they also say that the…

25 May 2022
Rachael Heffer

What's the next missional moment for the UK church?

In fact, the social and economic value of church buildings to the UK is an incredible £55 billion a year, according to the National Churches Trust. Whether it’s job clubs, foodbanks, street teams or mental health cafes, churches are rediscovering what it means to truly love their communities. In…

25 May 2022
Kate Sharma

Prayer for Pentecost

Take a moment to pray with us for the Holy Spirit's leading this Pentecost

Why are we so obsessed with the multiverse?

The what? Now, if any of you just rolled your eyes and began to click away for fear of science fiction nonsense, I encourage you to stick with me. The multiverse Two major films have graced our cinema screens this month. First, the latest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Strange…

27 May 2022
Emma Sowden

Why are we so obsessed with the multiverse? | Being Human

What can some of this year’s blockbuster movies tell us about the deeper questions people are asking about what it means to be human today?

Brothers united in prayer

In the 1970s, there were just a handful of known evangelical believers in Algeria. Today, there are tens of thousands gathered in dozens of churches. Around 50 churches form the Protestant Church of Algeria, or Eglise Protestante d’Algérie (EPA), a national alliance of churches that became a member…

27 May 2022
Wissam al-Saliby

Being a special envoy in prayer

Never have so many people, and so many Christians in particular, been persecuted simply for what they believe. The charity Open Doors estimates that, across 76 countries, 360 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution. Every two hours a Christian somewhere in the world is killed for their…

Persecution survivors deserve to see progress at religious freedom summit

So much has changed in three years. A global pandemic, Brexit and now war breaking out in Eastern Europe. And yet for millions of Christians around the world, little has changed; in fact life is getting worse. Open Doors note that in 2021 more than 360 million Christians around the world suffered…

27 May 2022
Alicia Edmund

International freedom of religion or belief conference 2022

Freedom of religion or belief (FoRB) is an important human right, protected in international human rights law and reinforced in domestic legislation like the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998. FoRB protects all individuals in the religious belief they choose to practice privately and…

Polarised: Roe v. Wade, Northern Ireland & Celebrities in Court

Through the lens of Roe v. Wade, Northern Ireland and Wagatha Christie, we explore how Christians can speak into such a polarised culture with deep grace

Influence, Information and Inflation

Jo, Alicia and Danny take a look at the news this week with Peter out on the road. The team talk cost of living, Christians and celebrity, and the behaviour of MPs.

R Rate: Are churches growing or declining?

A new study on the "R Rate" of different church denominations across the UK. The team also take a look at gun culture in the United States and more.