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Displaying 1966-1980 of 2576 results found.

Brave and kind

It was 2019 and I had been sensing very profoundly that, if I got the role, I was going to need to be extremely brave to handle the season that lay ahead and to stand firm on God’s word in the face of so much opposition. This was not to be foolhardy bravery in isolation, it had to be coupled with…

21 April 2022
Gavin Calver

What can the gospel heart of Ruth teach us about asylum seekers?

On Maundy Thursday, the government announced a scheme that would see asylum seekers flown to Rwanda in East Africa, to be processed there, as part of its immigration policy to tackle unlawful entry into the UK. This has caused outrage from the public for various reasons. Complexity and…

Countdown to the Northern Ireland assembly elections

My Twitter feed is inundated with tweets from candidates out pounding the streets in sensible shoes, knocking on doors, and canvassing for every vote they can gain. They are all making the most of social media reels to let us know about the issues that they are hearing about again and again at the…

26 April 2022
Danielle McElhinney

*NOW CLOSED* Respond to the Education Workforce Council (Wales) consultation

The ‘New registration categories for the Education Workforce Council’ is a piece of legislation that will affect hundreds of churches across Wales if it passes in it’s current form. Welsh Government is looking to increase the number of youth workers who are registered for the Education Workforce…

Misogyny in the spotlight: how can Christians respond?

Since Sunday it has been encouraging to see the cross-party condemnation of the news article about Angela Rayner, including from the prime minister himself. However, the issue goes much deeper than this one incident. At the heart of the problem is the way that media outlets all too often portray…

28 April 2022
Nicola Martin

Beauty in difference

In our world, our differences are often used as a means to create distance between us. But God intends His people to come together in “complete unity” (John 17:23), and I want to suggest that we flourish as humans when we are united with those who are different to us because it is then that we…

28 April 2022
Jo Evans

Evangelical Alliance statement on cyber security incident

We are deeply pained to have to let you know that we at the Evangelical Alliance have been the victims of a significant cyber-attack and our database has been compromised. We are not aware at this stage that the attempt to steal our data has been successful, but we would like to take this…

29 April 2022

Ground-breaking new research to be released on the state of faith and perceptions of Jesus in the UK

In the next two weeks, Alpha, the Evangelical Alliance, HOPE Together, Luis Palau Association and Kingsgate Community Church are sharing the Talking Jesus report. This new wave of ground-breaking research answers what people think of Jesus; how non-Christians view any practising Christian friends…

29 April 2022

Is your tech affecting how you value people? | Being Human

This week, in an unexpected and controversial move, Elon Musk, gained control over Twitter. And it's got us thinking: how often do we ask questions of our technology?

Neither apocalypse nor silver bullet

Context and culture war Fifty years ago, the US supreme court in Roe v Wade interpreted the constitution so as to introduce a right to abortion. Yesterday, a political site published a leaked early draft of a supreme court ruling expected this summer. The leak was unprecedented and is being…

5 May 2022
Dawn McAvoy

Mental Health Awareness Week: what can your church do?

But what about in our churches? We may know the famous one in four statistic which tells us how many people might be affected by mental illness, but how can we talk about mental health in our churches in a way which elevates understanding, eradicates stigma and encourages compassion? The first…

10 May 2022
Rachael Newham

Cyber security incident: frequently asked questions

The Evangelical Alliance have been the victims of a significant cyber-attack over the Easter weekend, resulting in the corruption and deletion of the personal and financial data we hold. You can read our statement regarding the attack here. Below are some of the frequently asked questions you…

Why the Jubilee is a great opportunity for your church

Some people in our communities might perceive the church as a bit joyless. Might this year’s Jubilee be an opportunity to change a few perceptions? Yes! It’s a time to celebrate and lead in street and community parties, to lend our resources of tables, chairs and other things, and serve our…

10 May 2022
Helen Locke

How ambitious was the Queen’s Speech?

Levelling up One key piece of legislation that will shortly be introduced to parliament is the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. This will pass into law some of the measures the government has already committed to, and will likely also include proposals to reform the planning system and give…

11 May 2022
Danny Webster

What do values have to do with mental health? | Being Human

Peter reflects on a recent moving and personal article by author James Mumford - on bipolar disorder, staying in a psychiatric hospital and his thoughts on therapy.