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Displaying 1936-1950 of 2576 results found.

VAWG series: How can men be allies?

Violence against women is not a women’s issue; it’s a human issue, and that's why Evangelical Alliance member organisation, Restored, launched their First Man Standing campaign. If violence against women is to end we need men to help challenge the beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate…

23 March 2022
Jo Evans

Animated about the gospel?

Today we live in a world of screens – apps, messaging, calling, watching clips, checking the bank account, Instagram, Wordle, YouTube. So, where is the gospel in this screen-mad world? We can download the prayer for the day (Google has over 2,000 million results when you put in “prayer for today”)…

3 May 2022
Ross Coad

Season Finale: Sunak, Hillsong & Euthanasia

Episode 8 season finale! Peter, Jo and Danny dive into the week's news, featuring the cost of living crisis, Brian Houston and votes on assisted suicide in the House of Lords!

Northern Ireland Assembly Elections 2022

We encourage every Christian in Northern Ireland to consider using their vote because our voices matter in how our nation is governed. We want to equip and empower Christians to think clearly about the issues that matter to you and to make an informed decision at the ballot box. Here are 9 key…

VAWG series: Will the church be change-makers?

For those suffering abuse at the hands of their partner or ex-partner, accessing support is very rarely easy. For many, the struggle in getting support is not because there is none available to them, but because abusive relationships are complex and often hard to leave. Women suffering abuse for…

29 March 2022
Nicola Martin

The inter-generational body of Christ

I remember Betty. Betty would teach me in Sunday school every week for at least nine years and she never missed a Sunday. I was taller than Betty by the time I was eight! She was a loving, patient, passionate follower of Jesus. I still remember her and her service for the children in my church and…

31 March 2022
Jamie Hill

An exciting (re)turn of events...

I have vivid memories of uncomfortably siting on a wooden floor surrounded by my fellow nine-year-olds as if it were yesterday. We were away at a national Christian event and the focus that particular morning was on healing. We all got together in small groups to pray for one another. Immediately…

31 March 2022
Gavin Calver

Be listeners in a gawking world

He demonstrated this technique for the interviewer, and it was magic. Even without anyone saying a word or any visible action on this impromptu set, there was electricity. Nothing could be heard except for the slightest room hum or perhaps a chair creak. But you could see the slightest darting of…

31 March 2022
Ryan Shelton

Response to confusion over conversion therapy plans

Responding to news reports on the government’s next steps relating to conversion therapy, Peter Lynas, UK director of the Evangelical Alliance, commented: “The government has totally dropped the ball on conversion therapy. Everyone wants to see an end to coercive and abusive practices, but by…

1 April 2022

Confusion over government conversion therapy plans

ITV News reported that the Prime Minister had taken a decision not to press ahead with a legislative ban on conversion therapy for England and Wales, after a consultation process earlier this year. This was confirmed by a government spokesperson, but later the same evening came news that the…

1 April 2022
Danny Webster

Why does grief feel so inhuman? | Being Human project

Join Jo she reflects on one of the most unnatural human emotions – grief.

Courage to be kingdom-bringers

How did you meet Jesus? I was debating and arguing against Christianity but became aware that I didn’t know what the Bible said so promised I’d read a gospel in 2006. Its realness and relevance blew me away. On a visit to church, the Holy Spirit convicted me, but I didn’t want to be a stereotypical…

11 April 2022
Helen Locke

What is it to be brave in God’s eyes?

Instead, I want to start with one of my personal heroes – Daniel. Daniel was a young man plucked from his home and carried off to a foreign country. There he was subjected to some pretty serious cultural indoctrination to make him walk, talk and think like a Babylonian. But Daniel resolved not to…

11 April 2022
Peter Lynas

Bravery in diversity

Tiō was started in Belfast Bible College by two of the academic staff (Dr Ian Dickson and myself). We both have children with intellectual disabilities, and we were inspired to develop education and formation courses in disability, theology, the Bible and the church. Increasingly invited out into…

11 April 2022
Dr Jill Harshaw

Letter to the Prime Minister on the confusion regarding conversion therapy plans

A series of leaks first disclosed the government were not planning on bringing forward legislation, and then a further change in plan following a backlash to that leak suggested legislation would be forthcoming but in a different form, applying to sexual orientation but not transgender. The…