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Displaying 1771-1785 of 2576 results found.

COP26: Helping churches in Scotland to become net zero

As our policy position on the environment states: “We believe it is part of our commission as Christians to be good stewards of God’s creation. In Genesis, after God created the earth and everything in it, He declared it very good. He invited the people He had created to have ‘dominion’ over it;…

11 October 2021
Chris Ringland

Being Human: Vulnerability and our need for connection

Before I know it I’m stood there holding two tiny, precious babies. My wife had already held both babies, and I’d marvelled at watching her with these two new humans. But now I’m stood holding one in each arm, looking down into these new faces I’d never seen before. It was a moment so full of…

12 October 2021
Richard Powney

Changing Church: Climate change

Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing our world today. Society and the church in the UK continue to wrestle with how to respond and take action. The Evangelical Alliance has put together the resources below to equip the UK church to respond to the climate crisis with gospel…

Stewardship: "Churches should act now to avoid drop in donations"

Virgin Money announced in August this year that its fundraising website, which has helped 20,000 charities and more than one million fundraisers raise more than £900m online, will be wound down after the 2021 London Marathon in October as it requires significant investment to remain competitive.…

18 October 2021
Evangelical Alliance

It’s time to be salt and light and encourage our MPs

Speaking in the House of Commons Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “When he died, he was doing what he firmly believed was the most important part of any MP's job – offering help to those in need". Johnson went on to add that Sir David was "dedicated, passionate, firm in his beliefs but never…

19 October 2021
Danny Webster

IDOP 2021: Our opportunity to channel the power of united prayer

I often even struggle with what to pray. My heart breaks at the suffering that so many brothers and sisters face across the world for trusting Jesus, but channeling this into coherent prayer is difficult – not least because the gospel spreads quickest when under pressure, and I want as many souls…

25 October 2021
Jo Evans

Briefing: Nationality and Borders Bill

There has been no better time for policymakers to examine our asylum system and to implement much-needed changes that uphold the dignity of those in need of refuge. Perhaps then it should be celebrated that there is a bill currently going through parliament which, in the words of our home…

25 October 2021
Nicola Martin

Highlights from the Christianity, climate and race event

In light of the recent IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report warning us that people have caused unprecedented and irreversible change to the climate, coupled with the social outrage resulting from the death of George Floyd, the church is strongly urged to consider: What might God…

25 October 2021
Carla Jacobs

Being Human: Does nature even exist?

My immediate thought: what a stupid question, closely followed by: how do I get my tuition fee back? I wasn’t spending three years of my life, burying myself textbooks, racking up debt, trying to answer pretentious yet seemingly obvious questions like this. Trees, grass, flowers, rivers… of course…

2 November 2021
Emma Sowden

COP26: The church's role in this season of change

Under the co-presidency of the UK and Italy, thousands of member representatives and official negotiators from more than 200 countries, businesses, NGOs, unions, and faith communities will contribute significant research and intercultural insight into COP26 delegations. Moving with momentum from…

31 October 2021
Shanley McConnell

Government plans to ban conversion therapy need scrutiny to protect human rights

Since the government first pledged a ban in 2018, the Evangelical Alliance has consistently pressed for detail about what this would involve and clarity as to the definition, to ensure that human rights are kept central and religious freedom is protected. More recently, the Evangelical Alliance…

29 October 2021
Danny Webster

Look how far we've come

For me personally, the Evangelical Alliance’s history holds a significant place in my heart because both my grandad and my dad led the ministry before me. I’ve known the honour it is to lead but also the huge personal cost involved. As a family, we were not able to spend as much time together as we…

2 November 2021
Gavin Calver

Summary of the government's consultation on conversion therapy

The government has published its proposals for how it intends to ban conversion therapy. The proposals, which are open for consultation until Friday, 10 December, will then be developed into potential new laws to be considered by parliament next year. At the heart of the proposals are two separate…

NOW CLOSED: Briefing on Abortion Services (Safe Access Zones) Bill

The Northern Ireland Green Party Leader, Claire Bailey MLA, has brought a Private Members Bill before the Assembly which seeks to implement what are referred to as ‘safe access zones’, also known as buffer or exclusion zones, outside premises that deliver services related to the provision of…

Love is the keynote: origins of the Evangelical Alliance

As evangelicals, those who met by the Mersey emphasised the supreme authority of scripture, the centrality of the cross, personal conversion, and gospel activism. These emphases derived from the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s. But they’d gained momentum in the 1730s, with revivals led by the…

10 November 2021
Rev Dr David Hilborn