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Displaying 1606-1620 of 2670 results found.

Abba, Father...

By lament I mean an honest, heartfelt conversation with God. This is based on the belief that God is just, faithful and steadfast in His love for us. It is the sharing of who we are and how we feel, believing that something needs an upfront articulation. It is a bringing forth of our perplexity,…

28 April 2021
Fred Drummond

Supporting the country's bereaved

When we combine the coronavirus deaths with the usual deaths per annum and additional deaths from reduced healthcare, our country is now, alarmingly, experiencing a ‘tsunami of grief’, with 1:4 people having lost loved ones since the start of the pandemic, all in traumatic circumstances. At the…

Being present when words seem hollow

The so-called Spanish flu was different, as the information exchange was far less, scientific and medical knowledge was nowhere near the complexities of today, and society wasn’t as mobile. I am head of chaplaincy for Guy’s and St Thomas’ and Evelina London Children’s hospitals, and for the London…

28 April 2021
Rev Mia Kyte Hilborn

With God in the storm, and after

But away from emergency and critical care other stories unfold. We remember patients, not just with COVID-19, fighting illness and disability on the wards, alone, struggling with imposed isolation, just when they needed the love of their families most. We have watched them suffer alone and die…

28 April 2021
Prof Steve Sturman

New 'normal', new 'formula'

Acts 16 is one such story as Paul and Silas, imprisoned in Philippi for freeing a young lady from an evil spirit, experience a violent earthquake that shakes the prison’s foundations, causing the prison doors to fly open and everyone’s chains to come loose. Just imagine being there. But, just a few…

28 April 2021
Andy Frost

“Micah doesn’t have the God-stamp”

“Micah can’t create anything, he just destroys it, he can’t figure hard things out and he can’t make friends with anyone – why can’t Micah come to church with us any more, because he doesn’t have the God-stamp?” The following day as I succumbed to the back-to-school social media photo streaming,…

30 April 2021
Donna Jennings

Job Creation Project: Catalyse Change co-founder talks “releasing kingdom potential” in business

Rich: "Catalyse Change has been set up to release 'kingdom potential'" At the heart of Catalyse Change and CREO, the charity's initiative for entrepreneurs, is the belief that God’s people are to embody and extend God’s kingdom now as in heaven, wherever God has placed them. Rich says, “That might…

6 May 2021
Jo Evans

Connect with your local representatives

The Evangelical Alliance longs to see Christians engaging with their public representatives in a productive and encouraging way but, it can be difficult to know where to start. We have produced resources to help you confidently build relationships with your local representatives. There are a…

Line of Duty: being human between blurred lines

Mercurio’s stroke of genius is how he seamlessly stitches fact into fiction, with closing clips on each character’s future fate and references to real life crime scandals. And, in how we permitted a viral hysteria around the fictional “H” to dominate news headlines and social media over the past…

12 May 2021
Donna Jennings

Connect resource: Wales (Welsh language)

Mae’r Cynghrair Efengylaidd yn dyheu am weld Cristnogion yn ymgysylltu â’u cynrychiolwyr cyhoeddus mewn modd adeiladol ac anogol, ond mi rydyn ni’n cydnabod y gall weithiau fod yn anodd gwybod ble i ddechrau. Ein gobaith ydy y bydd yr adnodd hwn yn eich helpu i ddechrau adeiladu perthynas gyda’ch…

Four ways Christians can connect with their MSPs in this new parliamentary session

So we at the Evangelical Alliance Scotland produced Connect: A guide to engaging with your MSPs, a practical guide to help you begin to build relationships with your political representatives and encourage you to support them through prayer and communication. Connect: A guide to engaging with your…

12 May 2021

Climate crisis: How you and your church can help

Tearfund, a member of the Evangelical Alliance UK, operates in some of the poorest countries in the world, tackling poverty through sustainable development, responding to disasters and challenging injustice. In its climate change series, climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe describes climate change…

12 May 2021

New resource: Connect (Wales)

So our Welsh team has developed Connect, a new resource to help you begin to build relationships with your public representatives and encourage you to pray for and support them as they represent you across Wales. Connecting with, and praying for, your public representative is more crucial than…

12 May 2021
Nathan Sadler

May lockdown update: Scotland moves to level 2

From Monday, all areas of mainland Scotland, with the exception of Moray and Glasgow due to their high COVID-19 rate, will move to the second level of the Scottish Government’s Five-Tier system. Glasgow and Moray will remain in the third level of restrictions whilst several Scottish islands will…

13 May 2021