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Displaying 1591-1605 of 2576 results found.

Time to Talk

Some form of relationships and sex/sexuality education (RSE) is taught in primary and secondary schools across the United Kingdom. While schools teach children and young people some things about relationships, sex, and sexuality our culture arguably teaches them more. The smart phone in their…

Race and ethnic disparities

Israel Olofinjana and Gavin Calver on the government's race report and envisioning a just society

NOW CLOSED: Responding to the New Plan for Immigration

The majority of the plan includes reforms for the refugee and asylum system, aiming to simplify claims and appeals, enable greater punishment for criminals and remove legal anomalies. There has been significant backlash against the plan, and the Evangelical Alliance shares concerns that it would…

Immigration proposals prioritise politics over people

The Home Office says in its proposals that it wants “an asylum system that helps the most vulnerable and is not openly gamed by economic migrants or exploited by people smugglers”. However, this demonstrates a misunderstanding of the issues they are trying to resolve and the principles upon which…

21 April 2021

Scottish National Party election profile

The Scottish National Party (SNP) is a centrist party founded on the aim of delivering an independent Scotland. They are currently the largest party in Scotland in terms of their membership, MSPs in the Scottish Parliament and Scottish MPs in Westminster. They have formed the three devolved…

21 April 2021

Connect resource: UK

The Evangelical Alliance longs to see Christians engaging with their public representatives in a productive and encouraging way, but we recognise that sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start. We hope that this resource will help you begin to build relationships with your public…

Connect resource: Northern Ireland

The political landscape in Northern Ireland is changing fast. Since the Good Friday Agreement over 20 years ago, we have seen a change of political parties in power and a shift in the issues that matter to the people in Northern Ireland. Everyone has a worldview shaped by beliefs, attitudes, and…

Scottish Labour Party election profile

The Scottish Labour Party (Labour) is a centre-left party that traditionally supports labour rights. The party is opposed to a second independence referendum and the idea of independence. Since the foundation of the party in 1900, it has enjoyed strong support in Scotland; the first two devolved…

21 April 2021

Connect resource: Wales

The Evangelical Alliance longs to see Christians engaging with their public representatives in a productive and encouraging way but we recognise that sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start. We hope that this resource will help you to begin to build relationships with your public…

Scottish Conservative Party election profile

The Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party (Conservatives) is a centre-right party opposed to Scottish independence. For the last parliamentary term, the party has had the second largest number of MSPs in the Scottish Parliament, the second largest number of Scottish MPs in Westminster, and has…

21 April 2021

Scottish Liberal Democrats election profile

The Scottish Liberal Democrat Party is a centrist party which currently has five MSPs in the Scottish Parliament. After Scottish devolution in 1999, the Scottish Liberal Democrats governed in a coalition with Labour, they are now the joint fourth largest party in Scotland. Whilst the Liberal…

21 April 2021

Scottish Green Party election profile

The Scottish Green Party is an environmentally focused party, with their policies often being classified as left-wing, which currently holds five parliament seats. Whilst they are only the fourth largest party in the Scottish Parliament, their status as one of the only parties supporting Scottish…

21 April 2021

Are COVID-status certificates a passport to restricted religious freedom?

New regulations have been frequently published hours before they come into force, subject only to a simple vote for subsequent approval without any scope for amendments or meaningful debate. All of this could fade into comparative insignificance if vaccine passports are used and required in some of…

22 April 2021
Danny Webster

Creative ministry: The heavens declare…

King David sang about how God speaks to us in Psalm 19, starting with a meditation on His glorious creation: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge." Then, what seems like a…

14 May 2021
Helen Locke