A good news vision for Northern Ireland

Reimagine is a call to action for evangelical Christians in Northern Ireland to reimagine a gospel vision for our people and our place. 

Together, we can speak with a prophetic voice and bring about transformation at every level of society, government, communities, families and individual lives.

Reimagine video series: Telling good news stories from Christians across Northern Ireland.

Welcome to a new series of Reimagine, where even more churches and faith groups will inspire us with their vision of hope and transformation for Northern Ireland. In this series, we’ll explore the creative and impactful ways they are bringing the good news to life in their communities. 

We are excited to celebrate how churches and Christian organisations, motivated by the message of Jesus, are making a meaningful difference across society.

Series one:

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland

Keep up with the Evangelical Alliance in Northern Ireland Find out more
Public Leader: Northern Ireland

Public Leader: Northern Ireland

A 10-month leadership development journey to help young professionals and emerging leaders in Northern Ireland follow Jesus in every walk of life Find out more