The Evangelical Alliance has partnered with the Human Rights Commission in launching a new animation about human rights and religion, see the video below:
There is much that we agree on, and the modern human rights agenda has been significantly shaped by Christian thinking. There are of course a few areas of profound disagreement. But that is surely the point.
Relationships are easy when we agree on everything. It is working together for the common good and disagreeing well on other areas that makes this partnership interesting.
The very nature of religious rights is that we all hold to different beliefs, thoughts and religions. It is not about agreeing on everything but respecting the right to hold and practice different beliefs.
Religious liberty was a core purpose in establishing the Evangelical Alliance. It is great that 170 years later we can work with the Commission to celebrate the right to hold those different beliefs; to be able to talk about the things we hold most dear, to share our beliefs, to persuade others, and to support the right of everyone to change their beliefs. Evangelical Alliance has produced a resource called Speak Up to remind people that we are free to share the good news of Jesus.
I hope the animation will be used to promote and uphold the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion that we all have.
You can also watch Peter’s talk from the launch below: