Lord God in Heaven,

Compassionate and gracious, abounding in love.
Living Word, you who died that we might live,
we pray that this world would honour your name and find in you, life everlasting.

Lord, we pray for those who are nearing death, that you would be close to those who are suffering and afraid.
We pray for those caring for the dying, that you would comfort the grieving and the alone.

Lord, we know that perfect love casts out all fear. In you, we do not need to fear death. We pray that all people would know the peace that is found in your presence and the hope that is found in your name.

You knew us before we were born, and we pray that in all of our ways we would live in worship to you.

We pray that as parliament considers this new law which would allow assisted suicide, that your will would be done and that life would be honoured and treasured at every stage.

We pray that we would all act to support those in greatest need, those who are suffering and towards the end of their life.

We pray for doctors and all those in caring professions that they would be equipped and supported in their work.

We pray that politicians would seek laws that govern with mercy and compassion and uphold human life in all of its God given dignity.

Lord, grant wisdom to those who lead the decisions that they would support the most vulnerable and prioritise their care.

May your kingdom come and your will be done, Amen.