Please be praying, using and sharing these prayers personally and in your churches as together we petition God for ourselves and our country in this time.

A prayer for deciding who to vote for

Heavenly Father,

Thank you that you give wisdom and understanding.
Please give me that wisdom as I decide how to use my vote.

Help me to see clearly and to have good discernment as I engage.
Help me to use my vote to look out for the voiceless and oppressed, and not just for my own good.

Help me to look to you only for my hope, and to keep things in perspective.
Thank you that I’m a citizen of your kingdom first.


Prayer by Rosalynne Hutchings

A prayer for unity as we navigate differences of opinion

Lord Jesus,
On the night before you were crucified you prayed that your church would be united.

In the run up to the election, as we discuss and navigate differences of opinion, help us to keep our focus on you and to remain united in you.

Help us to debate and deliberate with grace, humility and generosity, whilst also standing strong on our convictions.

Let our unity and the way that we approach the election point people to you.

In your name we pray.

Prayer by Ben Jeffery

A prayer for the relationship between the church and politicians during and beyond election season

Lord Jesus,
Thank you that you are building your church.
Please help us as we seek to fulfil your call to be salt and light in our world.

As this election season begins to draw to a close, we pray that we would shine brightly for you.
May our conversations, Lord, be seasoned with grace.
Help us to be quick to encourage what is good while being bold in discerning those things that are not beneficial.

We thank you for the many opportunities to interact with politicians of differing political parties, and we pray that our relationships with them will help bring positive changes to our communities – changes that reflect the values of your kingdom.

Help us Lord we pray.

Tim Rowlands
A prayer for the general election

A prayer for the general election

Join us in prayer for UK leaders, for peace, wisdom and trust Pray with us
General election

General election

Ahead of the election on 4 July we produced resources to help you live out your Christian faith in your attitudes and actions Find out more