God rich in mercy and love,
We pray for the people of Israel and Gaza.
For the innocents, broken, scared, frightened, confused.
God who weeps with the weeping, have mercy.

We think of those who have lost their lives and those who grieve.
God who meets us in the darkness of the valley and in the stillness of the night,
Oh God, meet with the bereaved.

For families shattered and children torn,
Oh God, have mercy.
To the injured, bring healing.
To the bereaved, bring comfort.
To the frightened, bring love.
To the weary, bring hope.

God of grace, we pray for an end to bloodshed.
May peace come quickly.
We pray that peacemakers may find a voice and offer a way forward.
Father, have mercy.
Lord Christ, have mercy.
Holy Spirit, bring hope.

Prayer by Fred Drummond