We believe in the power of prayer – use our resources to explore why we pray and how we can pray

There is nothing more exciting, or powerful, than Christians praying together. At the Evangelical Alliance, we are absolutely committed to prayer. We believe that as we seek God’s face together, amazing things begin to take place. 

Latest prayers

Christmas prayer: Christ has come

Christmas prayer: Christ has come

Celebrate the coming of our Saviour together in prayer Find out more
Prayer concerning the assisted dying bill

Prayer concerning the assisted dying bill

As MPs prepare to vote, join us in praying for God's will to be done Pray for the vote on assisted dying
A prayer for peace and mercy

A prayer for peace and mercy

Join us in a prayer for peace and mercy over the situation in Israel and Gaza Read more
A prayer for Ukraine

A prayer for Ukraine

Join us in prayer for the situation on the Ukraine border Pray with us

Discover more

Browse our prayer resources, prayers for our nation and the world, as well as to mark special events in your church calendar
Seasonal prayers

Seasonal prayers

Prayers for different seasons, for special days in the Christian calendar and more Find out more
Topical prayers

Topical prayers

Join us as we pray about what is happening both in the UK and around the world Find out more
Prayer resources

Prayer resources

Browse all the resources we’ve produced to equip and inspire people to pray Find out more

All our prayers: