Please take our survey to help us, and you, understand how church life has changed in the past five years.

This survey is now closed. We will be publishing the findings later this year.

In January 2020 Covid-19 was beginning to emerge on the international landscape, and in the months that followed had a huge impact on the life of churches across the UK. Now five years on we want to take stock and see how things may have shifted.

  • Have habits of church attendance changed?
  • Are Christians volunteering more or less than before?
  • How are giving trends affecting churches?
  • Are we sharing the Good News of Jesus with those around us? And what stops us?

If you are a church leader and can answer on behalf of your church please complete the church leader survey, otherwise select the individual survey. The results will be analysed and in Spring 2025 we will publish a report of our findings to help churches across the UK understand the landscape they are in, where there are challenges and where fresh opportunities are emerging. 

The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete and your participation will greatly help us help you.