Saturday, 28 September 9.30am–4pm at Trinity Church of the Nazarene, Perth

Join us as Peter Lynas and Jo Frost explore the big questions and conversations of our day. Helping us to think deeply about who we are and how we are to live as we seek to confidently share the good, true and beautiful news of Jesus in every area of culture and society. 

The Evangelical Alliance is looking forward to hosting a variety of leaders and those involved in church ministry; as well as welcoming anyone interested in apologetics and sharing Jesus in this cultural moment from across Scotland.

The day will include three sessions with our main speakers and time for worship, lunch and refreshments. Jo and Peter’s sessions will cover the big narratives of our day, the new apologetic of the Being Human Lens, and how to navigate the most contentious issues of our day. We will finish up with a panel discussion, giving practical application to how we might live this out in our own contexts. A detailed program will be released nearer the time. 

Tickets for the one-day conference are £10, your lunch along with refreshments throughout the day will be provided. Make sure you book using the Eventbrite link below. Bookings close Friday, 13 September.

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with the Evangelical Alliance Scotland team at scotland@​eauk.​org

You can find out more about Being Human, including the book and small group series at beinghu​man​lens​.com

Event details

Date: Saturday, 28 September
Time: 9.30am – 4pm
Venue: Trinty Church of the Nazarene, Perth, PH2 8EH
Admission: £10 ticket per person. Bookings close Friday, 13 September
Refreshments: lunch and refreshments throughout the day will be provided