The Power of Friendship – a free webinar – Tuesday 24th September 7pm.

Friendship is the most important, least talked about relationship in the church.

It matters for discipleship. We cannot follow Jesus alone. The church needs deep, authentic relationships so that we might thrive as Christians. 

It matters for evangelism. The most significant human relationship in someone becoming a Christian is a friend. We don’t become friends with people to convert them, but we recognise that through this connection, the kingdom grows exponentially. And yet 46% of Christians do not know someone well enough to invite them to church. 

It matters for unity. Leaders of unity movements recognise that unity happens when leaders are friends with each other. One of the beautiful facets of the church is that it unites people of every age, ethnicity, background and story. The gospel calls us to be friends with those who are different to us. This is a powerful antidote and witness to the fractured world around us.

It matters for leaders. In a volatile and unstable world, leading is increasingly challenging. Leaders who are isolated are more likely to struggle, burn out and fall. Leaders who are surrounded with friends can thrive, fight discouragement more easily and last the course, serving the church and flourishing where God has placed them. 

And as a world we face an epidemic of loneliness. Around 20% of British adults have no close friends, and as many as 10% have no friends at all. 1 in 3 men say they have no close friends, and the picture is not much better for women. 40% of young adults say they always or often feel lonely.

What if the church could be good news in this vital area? What if we invested in deep, sacrificial friendships against the cultural tide of individualism and consumerism? What if we rediscovered the heart and art of making the best of friends?

Join Phil Knox (Evangelical Alliance, author of The Best of Friends) and Sheridan Voysey (founder of Friend​shipLab​.org) for a fun, informative session on the heart and art of making our and other’s friendships flourish. We will explore the power of friends, the pressure on our relationships, and how we can cultivate lifelong, life-giving and life-extending friendships.

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