Be involved

Connect with your elected representatives

Connect with your elected representatives

A resource to help you begin to build relationships with your public representatives and encourage you to pray for and support them Find out more
Giving your voice in public life

Giving your voice in public life

We bring together some tips and ideas on how to make your voice heard in public life Find out more
Government consultations

Government consultations

Find out about government consultations that we're responding to and how you can get involved Take Action

What we're saying

General election

General election

Ahead of the election on 4 July we're here to help you to live out your Christian faith in your attitudes and actions Find out more
Why voting is a start but can’t be where our political engagement ends

Why voting is a start but can’t be where our political engagement ends

62% of evangelicals are unlikely to engage in local and national politics following the election.
Why should Christians care about the Cass Review?

Why should Christians care about the Cass Review?

Peter Lynas, explains why the Cass Review is useful for highlighting some key factors around gender care for young people that align with biblical principles

The Evangelical Alliance has been speaking up for Jesus in society for more than 170 years because we passionately believe that Jesus is good news for society and that Christians should be deeply involved in every part of our world.

We believe that the gospel is the foundation upon which society can flourish and our public policy team works hard to represent Christians and churches in the corridors of power in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England.

Politics affects all of our lives, whether this is through taxes paid, schools attended, treatment needed or pensions received. It is therefore crucial that Christians are present in all areas of public life, whether in parliament as an MP, on a local council, as a school governor or campaigning in the local community. We want to see a church that is informed and equipped to engage in politics and we want to help you play a part.

Explore What kind of society? as we encourage to Christians to think about what it might look like to build our society on the foundational values of love, freedom, justice and truth.

Our articles and comment pieces will help you think through some of the topical issues that society is grappling with today, and how we as Christians can understand them better.