Human relationships come in many forms, and our personhood is established in a multiplicity of relationships through family, friends and community. Our task is to see God’s redemption work in all these relationships.

Relationships are critical to what it is to be human. At the centre of the universe is God in relationship – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Human beings are made in the image of God, created male and female. All of us, as image bearers, are made for relationships – with God and with each other. It is through these relationships that the immense love of God is learned and lived. Despite this, the church has often struggled to respond to the cultural challenges that relationships can present. Changing views and values around sex, sexuality, gender, marriage and family have been especially prominent in western cultures over the past half century or so. 

In response we have produced a suite of resources designed to help you and your church navigate these cultural challenges from both pastoral and biblical perspectives. 

We have updated our 2012 Affirmations, alongside which we have produced both a guide and a theological commentary to help you consider how they work in practice and why we believe what we do from Scripture.