Explore some further resources to help you in your public leadership journey.

Courses and events

The Public Leader course

The Public Leader course is a retreat-based training course which seeks to equip emerging leaders in their 20s and 30s who are passionate about bringing Christian leadership to all areas of life across the UK. Designed for those in full time work, there are annual cohorts in Scotland, England and Northern Ireland.

We also run leadership workshop at churches, to help the congregation understand the biblical call to public leadership, deepen your knowledge of culture and society, and help you to identify opportunities for leadership, corporately and individually. Email us for more information.


The Care Leadership Programme is an 11-month educational programme which provides highly capable graduates with the opportunity to work for a Member of Parliament or an NGO

Jubilee Centre

SAGE is Jubilee Centre’s new full-time training initiative – a 10-month programme for recent graduates. Participants will learn to think biblically about issues in public life, develop research skills and set up a project to help Christians engage in biblical social transformation. 

The Social Reformers Summer School lays the foundations for social transformation and helps you develop strategies for engagement in your own context and calling. 

Leadership College London (HTB)

The Executive Programme in Leadership and Management is a one-year course that invests in the development of emerging leaders in their 20s and 30s. Participants meet on Thursday evenings and two weekend residentials.


The Executive Toolbox is an innovative programme of three 24-hour workshops that will inspire, equip and support you towards greater influence and impact, whatever your sector. 

Reading list


The Theology of The Good Place by Nathanael Smith

You are what you love: The Spiritual Power of Habit by James K A Smith

Just Living: Christianity in an age of consumerism by Ruth Valerio

A Wilderness of Mirrors by Mark Meynell

Stretch: Lessons in Faith from the Life of Daniel by Gerard Kelly

Distinctive Christian leadership

Clout: Discover and Unleash Your God-Given Influence and The Four Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership by Jenni Catron

The Ascent of a Leader: How Ordinary Relationships Develop Extraordinary Character and Influence by Bill Thrall

The Road to Character by David Brooks

Competent Christian leadership

Should secular leadership theory influence Christian ministry? by Ian Paul

Right to Lead by James C. Maxwell

Invitation to Solitude and Silence and Strengthening the Souls of Your Leadership by Ruth Haley Barton

So good they can’t ignore you: why skills trump passion in the quest for work you love by Cal Newport

Transforming your context

Vocation needs no justification by Steven Garber

God in Public: How the Bible Speaks Truth to Power, Then and Now by Tom Wright

Every Good Endeavour: Connecting your work to God’s plan for the world by Tim Keller and Katherine Leary Aldsorf

Short talks

Low-level Creeds and Worldview by Tom Price

Why public leadership is vital for the church by Tom Wright

What fear can teach us by Karen Thompson Walker

A Life of Purpose by Rick Warren

Why should anyone be led by you? by Robert Goffee and Gareth Jones

What it takes to be a great leader by Rosalinde Torres

How to get better at the things you care about by Eduardo Briceño

How to Get your ideas to spread by Seth Godin


Signal podcast, the medianet; also available on iTunes.

Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast (including notes); also available on iTunes.

Craig Groeschel Leadership podcast (including notes); also available on iTunes.

The Leadership File, Premier Christian Radio: also available on iTunes.

The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast; also available on iTunes.

The Leadership Forum, TWR-UK

The Forge Leadership podcast, Simon Barrington

Reimaging faith podcast, Evangelical Alliance Northern Ireland

Other resources

qideas​.org, A website of videos and articles birthed out of Gabe Lyons’ vision to see Christians, especially leaders, recover a vision for their historic responsibility to renew and restore cultures.

beliefmap​ping​.com, This website contains some articles and practical exercises to help you unpack worldview. The website uses slightly different terminology compared to that in Amy Orr-Ewing’s talk.