Every January Open Doors releases its World Watch List which highlights the top 50 countries where faith in Jesus cost the most. This report summarises the year’s findings while dissecting trends and case studies from the year.
The World Watch List is created through year round research and on the ground intelligence in over 150 countries. As such it provides in depth insights into the scale and dynamics of the persecution of Christians around the world like no other resource.
If you’re looking to get a deeper understanding of persecution, want to know the detail behind the problem or contextualise the instances you hear about on the news then this is a great resource to give you that scope and depth. It’s invaluable for prayer and will enable you to pray for specific Christians living in some of the most dangerous countries in the world.
The 2019 report explores how religious persecution exacerbates the vulnerabilities of marginalised groups such as age, class, gender and ethnicity. It also notes the growing scale of persecution which is affecting 30 million more Christians than last year.
This report was presented to parliamentarians at the launch of the 2019 World Watch List to help them engage with persecution around the world. It contains key policy recommendations for the UK government to combat escalating persecution. If you want your local MP to advocate for persecuted Christians in Parliament then this report is a great way to get them involved.