Envoyé-s, which means "sent” as in John 20:21) is a very engaging two-part film lasting just over 50 minutes.
Produced in French, it is fully subtitled in English and combines three interrelated elements: an overview of the biblical theme of mission from Genesis to Revelation; a potted history of the church’s involvement with mission, with a special focus on the contribution of those from the French-speaking world; and a couple of contemporary dramas showing the challenge for ordinary Christians of being “sent” as the Lord’s ambassadors wherever our mission field happens to be.”
“We were so impressed when we saw the film that we paid to have the DVD subtitled so that we could make the resource available to English-speaking Christians too. It would work very well as part of an awareness-raising mission event or as part of a small group programme looking at what mission is and how we are all called to be involved in it.” — Dr Paul Cooke, UK director of France Mission
You might also like to explore Vocation: implanteur d’église, which means “Vocation: Church Planter”. This film is a subtitled DVD that makes the story of five recent French church plants available to English-speaking Christians. The plants are in different parts of France and have been carried out by different denominations. However, they all work together as part of the National Council of French Evangelicals (CNEF) who produced this encouraging half-hour film. Visit the France Mission website to find out more.