Those exploring their sexual orientation or gender identity should be allowed to choose support, new poll reveals

Less than a third of UK adults are clear on what the ban on conversion therapy would include

A new survey released today has revealed that the majority of UK adults (58 per cent) believe individuals who are exploring their sexual orientation or gender identity should be able to choose from a range of different forms of support or therapy.

The polling, conducted by YouGov for the Evangelical Alliance, also shows that only 29 per cent of UK adults are clear on what a conversion therapy ban would involve. The survey comes as the government continues its public consultation on how they are planning to ban conversion therapy.

Peter Lynas, UK director of the Evangelical Alliance commented: “The public are not clear what the government means when they talk about conversion therapy, but they are clear that people should be free to choose what support or therapy they receive.

“We are encouraged that the government in their proposals appear to be honouring their two commitments made in 2018: to ban coercive and abusive practices while protecting spiritual and other support for those who choose it.

“When it comes to exploring sexual orientation or gender identity polling shows that only 16 per cent of the public thought an individual should not be able to choose their own therapy or support. Attempts by the government to limit the forms of support available are unlikely to meet public approval.”

The Evangelical Alliance has been asking the government for a clear definition of conversion therapy since a ban was first proposed in 2018. This polling, carried out by You Gov, reveals that the UK public are still unclear what the government intends to ban.

As well as supporting a ban on coercive and abusive practices the Evangelical Alliance are also calling on the government to honour its commitment to ensure people can choose spiritual support and prayer. The proposals that some have put forward would put everyday Christian activities such as prayer and preaching at risk of criminalisation, the government must ensure these are protected in any forthcoming legislation.


All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 1,754 UK adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 21st - 22nd October 2021. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all UK adults (aged 18+).

For more information, interviews or comment please contact Gareth Russell at Jersey Road PR. e: [email protected] or t: 07967468008.

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