Siân Rees joins the Evangelical Alliance as director of Wales

The Evangelical Alliance is delighted to welcome Siân Rees as its new director of the Evangelical Alliance in Wales and to the UK-wide leadership team.

Siân joins the Evangelical Alliance having most recently led a performing arts faculty at a secondary school in North Wales. Siân brings to the role extensive experience and connections from working with churches and Christian organisations across Wales.

Steve Clifford, general director of the Evangelical Alliance, said: “We are delighted to welcome Siân Rees as our new director of the Evangelical Alliance in Wales and member of the UK leadership team.

“Siân is a first language Welsh speaker who lives with a passion to see the church in Wales rise to the challenge of making Jesus known to the diverse communities which make up the nation.

“Siân brings wide experience both inside and outside the Christian community, and we are looking forward to benefiting from all she will bring to the Evangelical Alliance, both in Wales and across the UK.”

On taking up the role Siân commented: “I am passionate about equipping, releasing and championing others to become all that God has created them to be. I’m excited to be taking up this role and believe that the Evangelical Alliance is uniquely placed at this time to envision, unite and mobilise churches and Christians across Wales and the UK in order to extend the kingdom of God.”

Rob James, chair of the Evangelical Alliance in Wales executive, said: “It is my privilege and delight to welcome Siân Rees as our new director in Wales. Siân is the first woman to serve us in this capacity and we look forward to gaining from her enthusiasm, experience and passion to see the good news of Jesus impact our nation in fresh and living ways.

“Wales has a wonderful Christian heritage, and it is our prayer that Siân will help us bring a united and creative witness to our land. She is well respected, and we believe she will bring a new impetus to our mission while building on the legacy of her predecessors. We thank the Lord for His gifts and look forward to His blessing."

Siân is originally from Aberystwyth and moved to north Wales to study music at Bangor University. Many years of teaching music, drama and performing arts at local secondary schools followed, interrupted only by a sabbatical which she spent studying at Hillsong International Leadership College in Sydney, Australia. On returning to Wales, Siân led a thriving performing and expressive arts faculty for a number of years.

Siân has been part of the leadership team at the Welsh-speaking Caersalem Church, Caernarfon, part of New Wine Cymru’s worship team, and is a course deliverer for the Caleb Ministries CLDC course. Siân has also served on the executive and council of reference for the Evangelical Alliance in Wales.

Media enquiries

Danny Webster
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 020 7520 3862
Mobile: 07766 444 650

Notes to editors

  1. Siân Rees is available for interview

About the Evangelical Alliance

We are the Evangelical Alliance. We join together hundreds of organisations, thousands of churches and tens of thousands of individuals for the sake of the gospel. Representing our members since 1846, the Evangelical Alliance is the oldest and largest evangelical unity movement in the UK.

We love Jesus and we want everyone in the UK to be given an opportunity to know Him.

We love His church, and we will do all we can to unite evangelicals, building confidence in the gospel and speaking as a trusted voice into society to see it changed for Him.

Working across the UK, with offices in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast, our members come together from across denominations, locations, age groups and ethnicities, all sharing a passion to know Jesus and make Him known.