Key appointment to equip young adults for mission

The Evangelical Alliance has appointed Phil Knox as its first head of mission to young adults as part of its drive to position a passion for Jesus and making Him known at the heart of its mission work.

Phil joins the Evangelical Alliance following 12 years working for Youth for Christ, where he has most recently been director of church resources.

Gavin Calver, director of mission at the Evangelical Alliance, commented on the appointment: "I am absolutely delighted that Phil will be joining our team. He brings wonderful experience, great passion and clear expertise in the area of mission to young adults. This is a fantastic appointment for us at the Alliance."

Phil's role will focus on the development and delivery of creative initiatives to engage young adults to serve the church in its mission. This is part of the Evangelical Alliance's ongoing work to catalyse young adults, and give them confidence as Christians, as they navigate challenges in society and changes in the church.

Gavin added: "I know Phil will be a remarkable force for galvanising young Christian men and women, and their churches, into unity and mission, and will work day in, day out, to make Jesus known."

Phil said: "It is with great sadness that I move on from Youth for Christ. It is an incredible movement with which I have seen thousands of young lives transformed. But, I am also so excited to be joining the Evangelical Alliance. I am full of hope that the church can relevantly engage a generation of young adults and look forward to playing a part in seeing something amazing happen over the coming years."

Youth for Christ is a member of the Evangelical Alliance and the two organisations will continue to work closely together. This appointment is an opportunity to strengthen an already good relationship.

Phil will take up his role for the Evangelical Alliance on 3 September.

Media enquiries

Danny Webster
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 020 7520 3862
Mobile: 07766 444 650

Notes to editors

Gavin Calver and Phil Knox are available for interview

About the Evangelical Alliance

We are the Evangelical Alliance. We join together hundreds of organisations, thousands of churches and tens of thousands of individuals for the sake of the gospel. Representing our members since 1846, the Evangelical Alliance is the oldest and largest evangelical unity movement in the UK.

We love Jesus and we want everyone in the UK to be given an opportunity to know Him.

We love His church, and we will do all we can to unite evangelicals, building confidence in the gospel and speaking as a trusted voice into society to see it changed for Him.

Working across the UK, with offices in London, Cardiff, Glasgow and Belfast, our members come together from across denominations, locations, age groups and ethnicities, all sharing a passion to know Jesus and make Him known.