We asked Dr Rachel Jordan-Wolf, executive director of HOPE Together, about the heart behind their Jubilee resource launch, the faith and Christlike values in the Queen’s life which their book celebrates, and why the Jubilee is an opportunity not to be missed for the church to build community and invest in relationships with those outside the church.

Some people in our communities might perceive the church as a bit joyless. Might this year’s Jubilee be an opportunity to change a few perceptions?

Yes! It’s a time to celebrate and lead in street and community parties, to lend our resources of tables, chairs and other things, and serve our communities in throwing a party!

Why are churches uniquely placed to get involved in the Jubilee?

We are in the centre of communities and can help to galvanise people together to celebrate. We have the resources people need, the organisational skill and the people to make something happen!

Tell us a bit about your new resource launch and the heart and vision behind it.

We have a beautiful book for Christians to give out during the celebrations that clearly points to the Queen’s faith, Our Faithful Queen. It’s only £1 a copy when you buy 50. People can give them away to everyone – so that everyone hears about the God who has sustained the Queen over the last 70 years of her reign.

Not everyone is a fan of the Queen – why this resource? Can every church make use of it? 

People might not be fans of the Queen or the idea of the monarchy – but this is a national moment and people are so ready for something to celebrate and to get together after the pandemic – so it’s a good excuse for a community party!

How do the resources explore faith?

The book explores the prayers and Bible readings that the Queen was given before her coronation to prepare her for her calling. The book unpacks how these prayers have been answered in her life and how the Bible readings have applied to her experience.

As well as faith and service, values such as justice, love, mercy, forgiveness and humility are key values explored and celebrated in the book – where do all of these values come from and why do they matter to so many people both inside and outside the church today?

These values come from God – He created us to understand justice, to know love and to practice forgiveness. They are core to being human because they are core to the God who created us.

What kind of activities are you encouraging churches to do?

What impact do you hope to see as Christians and churches reach out over the Jubilee weekend?

That new relationships are built between those inside and outside the church. That people see that the Queen’s faith has been central to her 70-year reign and that the same God who called and equipped her is calling them to know Him too.

How can our members pray in the run up to the Jubilee?

  • Pray that churches take this great community building opportunity – in street parties, garden parties or just having a few friends round for a tea party.
  • Pray that people read the book to find out about the Queen’s faith.
  • Pray that people think about knowing God for themselves.

Amen, that would be wonderful – thank you for taking the time to share with our readers and for producing these resources.