The Evangelical Alliance recommends five resources which will help you in your walk with God and any ministerial work with which you may be involved.

Check out Discipleship Explored, an eight-episode documentary series with accompanying handbooks, which will take you on a journey into the book of Philippians. It’s shot all over the world, features interviews with believers across seven countries and five continents, and aims to answer the question: how could Paul, under house arrest, say that he had discovered the secret of contentment (Philippians 4:12)? And is that secret something we can discover for ourselves?

Read the sermon on healthy churches delivered on 9 May 1860 by C H Spurgeon. The Prince of Preachers, as Spurgeon was known, had a long relationship with the Evangelical Alliance. His uncompromising style sometimes brought him into conflict with the organisation’s leaders, but mostly the relationship was harmonious and he spoke on behalf of the Evangelical Alliance at some of the its public meetings. All his sermons are available on the Spurgeon Center website: spur​geon​.org

Request a copy of the Change the World small group course from the Evangelical Alliance. The handy resource, which forms part of the organisation’s public leadership offering, helps to equip budding Christian leaders who want to bring about positive change in the places they live, work and spend their time. Contact a member of the public leadership team on for your free copies.publicleadership@​eauk.​org

Explore one or more of Tearfund’s 50 Bible studies which form part of Jubilee: 50 Bible studies on poverty and justice. To mark its 50th anniversary, the charity brought together in one book 38 jubilee-themed Bibles studies taken from a number of its publications and 12 new reflections, to create this useful tool for independent or group learning. Visit learn​.tear​fund​.org/
jubilee to find out more.

Consider buying yourself a copy of The Difference by Samuel Lane. Released by Vineyard Worship, formerly known as Vineyard Records, the fresh, gritty and distinctive worship album encourages listeners to continually look to Jesus, knowing that when we fall short, He offers His hand; when we are weak, He is our strength; and when we fail, He is the difference. For a taster, visit www​.vine​yard​church​es​.org​.uk/​r​e​l​e​a​s​e​s​/​d​i​f​f​e​r​e​n​c​e​-​s​a​m​u​e​l-lane or YouTube.

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