The Welsh Government have announced that as of Monday 14th of September, the ‘rule of six’ and the wearing of facemasks indoors will apply to us here in Wales.

On the whole, the guidance for places of worship remains largely the same:

The ​‘rule of six’ does not apply to meetings inside places of worship, neither does it apply to Sunday schools, weddings, wedding parties, funerals or funeral teas. 

Mandatory wearing of facemasks does apply inside places of worship. Exemptions for those with specific health conditions apply and all children under the age of 11 are exempt from wearing them. Welsh Government will issue clarification on exemptions which will be published at the start of next week. 

We are awaiting specific permission for the service leader / preacher / worship leader / singer to be exempt from wearing a facemask during their specific part of the service as wearing a facemask will make it difficult to hear and understand their words. Evangelical Alliance has requested that in these instances, placing a Perspex screen in front of each speaker and the singer replace the need for a cloth facemask. Please note: this has been requested and we hope to have an answer at the beginning of the week.

We have already published the guidance relating to those wanting to travel to a wedding or funeral inside Caerphilly County Borough, and that is available here: www​.eauk​.org/​a​s​s​e​t​s​/​f​i​l​e​s​/​d​o​w​n​l​o​a​d​s​/​C​a​e​r​p​h​i​l​l​y​-​C​B​C​-​l​o​c​a​l​-​g​u​i​d​a​n​c​e.pdf

Please do be mindful that this guidance comes into play on Monday, 14 September and therefore does not apply to this Sunday, 13 of September. We will provide further updates as soon as we are notified of them.