One of the most memorable conversations I had about Jesus at university was with one of my second-year housemates. She was going through a time in her life where she was struggling with a lot of anxiety, and she asked me, why are you not scared of death?” This question gave me a chance to share my faith with her, explaining how I believe that Jesus’ death on the cross made a way for us to have eternal life with Him, and so I’m not scared of death because I know that heaven and an eternal life with Jesus are what come after. 

I’d love to tell you that, after that conversation, she gave her life to Jesus. Sadly, that’s not yet the case, but the conversation opened my eyes to the way that people really notice the light and joy of Jesus that we carry with us in our houses, on our campuses and around our cities – and students are keen to hear more about it!

In Matthew 5:14 – 16, Jesus says: You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

You really are a light! You have the Holy Spirit inside of you, and because of Him you will shine the light of Jesus wherever you go. If you are a student, or heading to university this year, I would encourage you to think about some of the simple things you can do to share this light with others, just by being yourself…

  1. On move-in day, try to chat to your flatmates, perhaps bake something to all share on that first day. Everyone’s going to be nervous, but food can be a brilliant way to break the ice and get conversations started.
  2. Could you decide to be the trustworthy friend on a night out, who people know will get them home safely? Lots of people are experiencing a new freedom for the first time, so someone who can help them stay safe as they learn their boundaries will be hugely valued. You could well find that you’re the person they learn to trust at other times as well.
  3. Whenever I was on campus, I tried to be cheerful and approachable, making an effort to chat to people in my lectures and seminars. It’s tempting to keep your head down and just get on with things, but you never know how your positivity could impact someone else’s day. In fact, one of my lecturers once commented that I always had a smile on my face. He knew I was a Christian, and I hope that he saw a glimpse of the light of Jesus through me in those moments. 

These might sound like small things, but you can’t know the magnitude of the difference they could make. Not only this, but choosing to be a light in these various places throughout our day helps to remind us that Jesus really is everywhere, at work in the lives of people around us. You have such an exciting opportunity to shine Jesus’ light into halls, clubs, lectures, and societies, partnering with what God might be doing in those spaces.

So, let me commission you this September, to go out and be the light in your university city. Don’t try to hide yourself under a bowl, fitting in with those around you, but choose to stand tall in your faith. And let’s be praying that through our small acts, others will catch a glimpse of the kingdom and come to know Jesus for themselves.