“Taking time out for one person is so important. It’s so clear that being there for a Capernaum friend is for their benefit, to make them feel worthy.”

This is what a 17-year-old Young Life junior leader told me, after she had buddied up with a young person at an event we ran in partnership with the Tim Tebow Foundation called Night to Shine’.

Night to Shine was a prom night for young people with additional needs. We were one of 720 churches that hosted this event all around the world on 9 February 2024. We had limousines, a red-carpet experience, karaōke, and lots of dancing! For every young person there with additional needs, we had a 16 – 19-year-old junior Young Life leader to buddy up with them. 

At the end of night we crowned each guest with a crown or a tiara. This was a small gesture that showed how much each of those young people are valued by us and ultimately by God. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:21 – 22, the eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you,’ nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.’ On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable.” 

When we apply this verse to young people with additional needs, it is clear that not only should we value them, but we need them. They are an indispensable part of the body of Christ. We wanted them to know that God has created each one of them to be kings and queens. This is what a family member of a young person said after a Night to Shine: 

What an amazing night. We are so grateful for the hard work you all put in. Those wonderful young buddies giving up their Friday night, a credit to their parents, church and themselves. Perfect from start to finish, not a detail missed. I’ve never seen my niece so happy.” 

Young Life Capernaum is a ministry that seeks to introduce young people with additional needs to Jesus and help them grow in their faith through accessible communication, meaningful relationships and fun filled experiences. Prayer has always been and always will be Young Life’s first work. Capernaum in the US started in 1986 because Jim Rayburn, who is the founder of Young Life, prayed that every kid would be reached with the gospel. Capernaum in Northern Ireland exists because of Eden McRoberts’ prayers and obedience. This is what she says, 

I started Young Life Capernaum in December 2019, because I wanted my brother Carter to experience a community that would share the gospel with him. Carter has Down’s syndrome and I found my own faith through Young Life. I wanted my brother and his friends to feel included, welcomed and loved in a church ministry that wasn’t available to him in many other capacities. He was and still is my heart behind starting the ministry.”

"From the moment he was invited and attended Young Life Capernaum, I noticed a change. My son had a limited number of friends, however, now he is part of a community. A community where he feels at home and has a sense of belonging. His growth in confidence walking into Young Life club is astounding, and I am so proud."

We believe that it is only through ongoing prayer and dependence on God that every young person with additional needs will be reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is what Faith said about her son’s experience at Capernaum:

My son has a learning disability, and I fear the impact this may have on his development, and life experience. However, I mostly fear the impact this may have on his relationships.

From the moment he was invited and attended Young Life Capernaum, I noticed a change. My son had a limited number of friends, however, now he is part of a community. A community where he feels at home and has a sense of belonging. His growth in confidence walking into Young Life club is astounding, and I am so proud. I am grateful for the opportunity, not only for my son to attend this club, but be cared for by the most passionate, caring, and committed team.”

After Night to Shine, eight junior Young Life leaders have signed up to be buddies for our Capernaum friends. It is my firm belief that meaningful discipleship happens through friendship. We desire to create a space for this to happen. My desire is that churches would catch this vision to reach every kid through mutual friendship and discipleship.

I believe this can be the norm in our churches if we truly model Jesus to those around us. Jesus demonstrates through the gospels that the main way He draws people to Himself is through friendship and community. My hope is that many more families with children with additional needs will find a place of acceptance, meaning and purpose in the body of Christ. It was clear from the 40 buddies that were a part of Night to Shine that it did not feel like they were giving up their night.’ Rather, they were the ones who had their lives enriched through the friendship of our young people.

God is truly glorified when the body of Christ looks as though He intended. This can only happen through prayer and dependence on God. It has been through prayer that Young Life Capernaum has started in Ukraine, Moldova, North Macedonia and Northern Ireland. Through prayer, Young Life Capernaum hopes to partner with churches all over the UK and Ireland so that every kid with additional needs can be reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

To learn more and get involved, visit: caper​naum​.younglife​.org

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