Attempting to keep up with the news and political ongoings has felt like an almost impossible task during this season of COVID-19, and I’m sure that for many people, it has been overwhelming.

The coverage of the pandemic has dominated headlines and has had a knock-on effect on many of Wales’ political discussions and decision making. However, in what will be a weekly update, I will be placing a microscope over the relevant discussions that are taking place in the Senedd and providing an opportunity to pray for our political leaders and their subsequent meetings.

In what is something we are all now well accustomed to, First Minister Mark Drakeford today gave his Friday government update. During the live broadcast, in which he confirmed that Wales would remain in lockdown until at least the end of January, many questions were posed regarding how many members of the Welsh public have been vaccinated compared to the rest of the UK. Whilst a potentially valid question, Wales’ healthcare workers who are responsible for administering the vaccines have been working tirelessly throughout the pandemic, but their efforts have the potential to be undermined if we begin to regard the vaccination process as simply a competition between nations. Let’s continue, therefore, to be praying for our healthcare workers and care providers as they continue to rollout the vaccine, that God would comfort them and their families in this season.

This week in the Senedd

Whilst inside the Senedd itself it has been rather quiet this week, today leaders had the first financial committee meeting of the year, where they discussed the Government’s draft budget for 2021 – 2022. With the potentially negative effects of Brexit on the economy, and of course the implications of spending during the pandemic, it seems like this draft budget is particularly important. In fact, were it not for the rather unique circumstances we find ourselves in, it would undoubtedly be a main headline in the news. In a period where businesses and industries have struggled, and families have lost major sources of income due to a lack of work, pray for wisdom for those in the committee, that leaders would see the people behind the businesses and the implications that the economy has on the public.

Next week in the Senedd

Concerning next week’s meetings in the Senedd, some discussions to keep in mind and pray for are the business committee’s meeting on Tuesday morning. This would be its first meeting of 2021, and both COVID and Brexit are expected to play a huge part in discussions. Similar to the prayer points regarding the draft budget, let’s pray for collaboration within these meetings, so that the economic rebuilding phase of 2021 may be off to a positive and fruitful start.

Public petitions

Lastly, each week the Senedd has a petition’s committee meeting, where the public’s concerns are discussed. Whilst there are too many to list here, some petitions that may be of interest and that you might like to pray for are:

  • To not impose a 15-person limit on organised indoor activities, such as swimming lessons and fitness classes, after firebreak lockdown.
  • Require supermarkets to donate excess food to charity.
  • To allow pubs and restaurants in Wales to serve alcohol and stay open after 6pm.

As the UK continues to tackle seismic challenges created by the coronavirus, let’s ensure we pray for our political leaders, who are having to navigate largely unknown waters, and that the Senedd’s discussions are fruitful and honour God and bless the nation.