Earlier today the Evangelical Alliance, along with a group of twelve Christian charities and organisations from across Scotland, sent a letter to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, offering our support for the Scottish Governments’ efforts to tackle the coronavirus and to highlight how the Church is uniquely placed to serve our communities at this time of crisis.

Working with the local church in communities across Scotland, the charities which include Christians Against Poverty, Glasgow City Mission and Bethany Christian Trust, expressed willingness to work strategically in partnership with the Scottish Government and agencies at every level to ensure the best possible national response at this time.

The twelve signatories work and resource the church in a variety of different areas including dealing with poverty and personal debt, delivering food and supplies to the vulnerable, supporting those in recovery from addiction, providing for those who are homeless or sleeping rough and, fundamentally in this period of isolation and distance, keeping in touch with those who are less connected or who struggle with their mental health. The church, alongside these ministries, does many of these things as a natural expression of our faith, and is a major resource to our communities, especially during this season of lockdown.

At Evangelical Alliance we recognise that in the weeks and months ahead, many more people will feel the need to call upon the church and Christian organisations. Churches are already stepping up to this challenge and we are working with our member churches locally and uniting with other organisations nationally to support the church in playing its part most effectively.

Fred Drummond, Director of Evangelical Alliance Scotland said, Our local churches are made up of compassionate and motivated people, who love their towns, cities and villages. They have already been making a huge difference in their communities to bring practical support and hope since the crisis started. We recognise the need in our communities at this time and the opportunity to respond by loving our neighbour. We are delighted to be working with a number of other Christian charities as a practical expression of unity and we will continue to do so over the coming months.”

For the full letter to the First Minister, please see our press release.

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