Christians from around the UK tuned in to the Evangelical Alliance’s first ever leadership conference on Wednesday, 10 February.

The online event was organised after the Evangelical Alliance saw the need for Christians who hold positions of leadership, both within the church and in other spheres of society, to share reflections and pray into what is happening in the UK and what God is saying to His church.

The evening was a mixture of interviews, worship, prayer and talks, hosted by Gavin Calver, CEO of the Evangelical Alliance, and Jo Frost, director of communications and engagement, with contributions from evangelical Christian leaders from across the UK. If you’re a member, do catch up online.

Keep the vision in clear sight.”

Rev Celia Apeagyei-Collins, founder of the Rehoboth Foundation, spoke on the importance for leaders to keep the vision for the future in clear sight. She urged leaders to focus on what God has shown them and reimagine their churches and communities. This, she believes, will enable leaders to engage with their communities in a way they never have before, and without compromise.

Pray for a symphony of renewal.”

Mark Sayers shared lessons from his experience leading a church in Melbourne, including how leaders can meet current challenges and opportunities. Acceleration in the spread of information and cultural change mean issues arise rapidly on the dashboard’ for Christian leaders, he explained, and the Evangelical Alliance continues to play an important role in speaking into issues where faith and culture intersect.

"The Evangelical Alliance continues to play an important role in speaking into issues where faith and culture intersect."

He went on to share a prophetic word about the fork moment’ we are in. He believes God is using circumstances as a winnowing fork to prune us, we face a fork in the road where, to see revival, we must choose dependency and intimacy with Him and we must sound the tuning fork’ of prayer in the UK as we seek a global symphony of renewal.

Our nation wants to know it’s going to be okay. Let’s tell them, if you come home to Jesus, it will be.”

Rt Rev Dr Jill Duff, Bishop of Lancaster, spoke on Romans 8, and prayed a heartfelt cry that in lockdown many children of the promise would come to birth”. She reflected that the pain of this pandemic is like labour pains and that the church must share the gospel everywhere and prepare to nurture new Christians.

"Leaders called for UK Christians to both seek and prepare for a spiritual harvest, and prayerfully consider and embrace God’s refining work in this season."

Stop. Reset. Recalibrate.”

Steve Uppal, senior leader of All Nations Church, Wolverhampton, spoke of the importance of listening to God as He recalibrates the church in this season. He urged leaders not to run to the familiar but to embrace the hard reset’ which God is working in us. He called for a rejection of a consumer mentality when it comes to church, and for structures that can handle the harvest that’s coming. He encouraged them to think and pray as you navigate the next steps for what you’re involved in.”

Pray that I may make a difference.”

Fiona Bruce MP, the prime minister’s special envoy for freedom of religion or belief, updated guests on her work in government promoting freedom of religious belief. She shared how we can pray for MPs at this time as well as the important work that she’s carrying out. COVID-19 has exacerbated the global persecution of both Christians and people of different religions, Fiona explained.

Compassion, righteousness, courage

Gavin Calver concluded the event with an exhortation to the UK church to be braver and kinder than ever in sharing the gospel and social action. Let’s move forward into this new season – compassionate to the needs of those around us, righteously standing up against what’s wrong, and courageously sharing our message of hope,” he said. But friends, let’s not go alone, we are the Evangelical Alliance. Let’s go as one.”

The Evangelical Alliance hopes these encouraging and insightful messages will inspire leaders in a new chapter in 2021, and that you join us in spring 2022 for a full programme. Sign up for updates about the future of the EALC.