Rani, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Hello, I’m Rani, based in wonderful Leamington Spa, single, a convert originally from a Hindu background. As well as my SAF role, I am a marketing consultant and coach.

I spend some of my ​‘spare’ time podcasting as well as reading, walks, growing veg, and experiencing other cultures through travel and conversations.

How did you find God and what does Jesus mean to you? 

I had a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit in a church in Windsor during a difficult period in my life 10 years ago. I was deeply touched by the freedom God brought in that moment and has done over the past 10 years. 

Jesus is everything, the centre of my world. He has brought the meaning of true life and the fullness of it, in what has been an interesting life. He is my Lord and King. 

What motivated you to start your podcast, ​‘Couch Conversations with Rani’? 

I started the podcast as I wanted to normalise being brown and a follower of Jesus. Which may sound odd to people but I didn’t know any British South Asian Christians at the time and I wanted my family, friends or whoever will listen to know that you can be of the Christian faith and it doesn’t belong to a certain sect of people. It’s okay to be brown and follow Jesus!

What drew you to the South Asian Forum? 

I had got in contact with Dayalan via the website because of my desire for fellowship but it’s become so much more over the past few years. 

It’s such a privilege to know that I get to work with many more brothers and sisters in Christ, who have the same heart for our wider communities, organisations and churches. 

As part of our recent Public Leader cohort, how might that experience help you in this role?

The Public Leadership programme has helped me to grow and learn from others already leading in different areas. It’s helped me to understand the challenges I may face, to build trusted Christlike relationships with the wider sphere and that being authentically me is the only way – God has called me, not another version of me.

It’s also important to remember we may not always agree with each other, but God has called us to love one another and I think that’s a great place to start.

What excites you about the intercultural church at the moment?

I’m excited by the unity of the church and body of Christ, as well as the love of Christ transforming our hearts, to be His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 

We get to set the tone for the culture around us by sticking together, working things out and being an example for the world where it is fractured. We can show people what loving one another and acceptance really looks like! 

What are you most looking forward to as you join the Evangelical Alliance family? 

To work with wonderful people on fire for God’s kingdom, to keep learning, growing, bringing a fresh perspective from my context and of course advancing God’s kingdom with the South Asian diaspora and beyond. 

How can we pray for you and the South Asian Forum? 

Pray that we would continue to lead with wisdom, humility, love and prayer. 

Pray that we would follow the prompting and leading of the Holy Spirit in all we do. To not be afraid of taking risks when needed or be a voice where there isn’t one.

That we see many more come to faith as we help support equipping the church, organisations and individuals.

Finally – that God’s mission would be accomplished over the coming weeks, months and years. May He be glorified, His gospel known and many more lives reached as we co-labour with Him.