Advocacy remains a key part of our work here in Wales, with multiple opportunities to represent the voice of our members through many forums and committees at the Welsh Government. The recent meeting of the First Minister’s Faith Communities Forum allowed us to champion the incredible work of local churches in supporting and providing for their communities during lockdown

It was a joy recently to email the 60 members of Senedd and 40 (Wales) members of parliament, to inform them that we are praying for them and the decisions they face during this time of considerable challenge. Again, we share what local churches are doing amid the pandemic, and their response was overwhelmingly positive and full of gratitude.

The Interfaith Council of Wales continues to meet on a weekly basis and together has provided a definition of religion so badly needed by the now reconvened Faith/​BAME Community Involvement group which is engaging in the development of the Relationships and Sexuality Education guidance. 

We continue to work with other faith leaders, key stakeholders and the Welsh Government on the Funerals and Burials Forum, discussing safe, dignified funerals and burials during the pandemic, as well as the reopening of places of worship.