In the midst of the pandemic and with the whole country in lockdown, the Evangelical Alliance's advocacy work with the Senedd continues, albeit online.

The Faith/​BAME Community Involvement’ group engaging in the development of the Relationships and Sexuality Education’ guidance is on hold, but will recommence as soon as restrictions are lifted. In the meantime, I have had the privilege of working with faith leaders, key stakeholders and the Welsh Government on the Funerals and Burials’ forum, which is currently meeting online on a weekly basis to discuss safe, dignified funerals and burials during the pandemic. The Interfaith Council of Wales has also been meeting online on a regular basis during lockdown in order to support one another.

Do continue to uphold our government and local council leaders in prayer as they make difficult decisions that affect all our lives. Pray too for us that we may continue to have opportunities to speak into them.

Image by Gerd Altmann