During the first weekend in November, a group of emerging Christian leaders from a range of public spheres gathered for the launch of the third year of the Public Leader Scotland (PLS) course.

A dentist, lawyer, engineers, and a business owner, to name just a few, were among those in attendance, and each had the same intention: to step up, speak out and engage in public life in the area God has placed them.

The PLS course’s vision is to see a new generation of Christians in their 20s and 30s leading and influencing in public life, in order to transform Scotland by the power of the gospel. It is an annual course of training, mentoring and equipping emerging Christian leaders so that they can make a significant cultural impact for God in key areas of public life across Scotland. During this first weekend, we explored what it means for Jesus to shape our character. 

The speakers, who have held leadership positions in the public square, shared the insight they had obtained through their experiences. A chief executive officer (CEO), whose experience is within corporations, encouraged us to emulate the example of Jesus’ humility, as shown in Philippians 2:6: Who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped”. The CEO explained that when we are no longer striving to make our own names known, which we are so often motivated to do, we can focus on investing in those around us and developing a better outcome as a team.

With a focus on Proverbs 3:5 – 6, a senior police officer shared with candour some of the challenges that Christians leading in the workplace can faced and detailed what it might look like to rely on the Lord fully and cling to His promises amidst the storms in the public square.

A personal highlight from the weekend for me was a session that looked at how we identify and optimise our strengths. Not only was this hugely beneficial on an individual level, but it also produced a degree of insight into the way others work. This practical session proved that a leader who intentionally looks for potential within their team and gives their colleagues opportunities to work at their optimum facilitates the manifestation of leadership qualities, others as well as their own.

An atmosphere of expectancy and excitement is building in Scotland. Relationships and networks are being formed across different public spheres as our group looks to uphold the nation in prayer and strive to advance God’s kingdom across our towns and cities. There is a wealth of knowledge, experience and enthusiasm present in the group, which is just infectious. It is my prayer that the Holy Spirit would continue to move through us individuals in our workplaces and communities, and that this weekend acts as a stepping stone in the preparation and equipping God has for us in the year ahead.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5 – 6

Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash