On St David’s day, politicians, public representatives and Christian leaders, gathered together and filled the Senedd with worship, praising God and prayers for the nation of Wales.

Faith is often described as a journey, and it’s fair to say that Wales’ journey with faith is one of great richness and influence. It was poignant therefore that this year’s theme at the Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast was pilgrimage. Darren Millar MS, chair of the Cross Party Group on faith, who hosted proceedings, celebrated the significance of Wales’ relationship with faith. He spoke with satisfaction of the physical places people can go to visit to be reminded of our nation’s past spiritual movements and outpourings, indicating how faith is integral to the very fabric of Wales. 

The prayer breakfast also paid tribute to Ukraine and those suffering amidst the tragic circumstances. A Ukrainian woman, who had fled the country last year, shared that the physical journey to the UK had certainly tested, but also strengthened her and her family’s faith. It was a stark reminder for us in Wales to not take for granted the freedoms we have, but also to realise the immense power and potential that prayer can have in changing situations beyond our nation’s border.

The evening continued with various speeches from the rest of the Cross Party Group, hymns, and the opportunity to hear from the National Library of Wales, who were presenting some of the country’s exhibits relating to its rich spiritual heritage. 

The morning of the next day continued with reflection and encouragement, as we met in the Senedd’s pierhead building. Siân Rees of Bible Society Wales, gave the keynote speech and responded to the recent census reports, encouraging the room that, Wales is not finished with faith and God is not finished with Wales”. 

Amongst the conversations over breakfast tables, accompanied with the brilliant worship music provided by Sound of Wales, there were a few moments when I reflected on what a beautiful morning this was, a room filled with important decision makers and of great influence joining together to honour God and to pray for Wales. I had the privilege to contribute by leading the prayers to close the prayer breakfast. I prayed for the leaders in the room, for Wales and its people, its leaders and institutions. For Ukraine, I prayed for God’s light to pierce through and overcome the darkness. I asked that God would bring a great refreshment to Wales and His people. 


As God’s people, let us be consistent in praying for our wonderful nation of Wales, praying bold prayers that depend upon God’s great power. Finally, let us also be consistent in our praying for our nation’s leaders, that they may lead with integrity, wisdom and compassion.