Christians are preparing to mark the Easter in unconventional ways as the lockdown means church communities cannot meet together in buildings and public acts of witness which are common on Good Friday can’t go ahead.

Yet, as Christians remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and look ahead to Easter weekend where they’ll celebrate His glorious resurrection and victory over sin and death, we are acutely aware that across the globe the coronavirus pandemic continues to take its toll on lives, communities and nations. 

The need for victory over death and darkness is not something we remember as a historic event but something we believe in and pray for today. We believe that in Christ’s death and resurrection, death has been defeated. While we may experience pain and suffering, and as we share in the grief and lament of those who have lost loved ones, we know that we have the hope of the eternal resurrection and the kingdom of God, which will one day fully come. 

As Christians in churches across the world gather online this weekend, several groups are calling people together for corporate acts of witness. Rev Les Isaac, CEO of Ascension Trust and founder of Street Pastors, said: At this vital time in our country’s history, I sense that the Lord is calling His people to pray and fast. I feel that it is critical that Christians across London and beyond join together in unity to pray.”

Second Chronicles 7:14 says: If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” First Peter 3:12 says: For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer.”

PrayLondon is sharing three ways to join in this wave of prayer and witness this weekend:

1. Stand in front of your home at 3pm on Good Friday and unite together to pray against the coronavirus. They are encouraging Christians across the UK to sing the hymn Amazing Grace, pray the Lord’s prayer and, like Jesus, declare it is finished” as we hope and believe for an end to this pandemic

2. Fast and pray during the whole of Friday, seeking opportunities to pray with others in unity, crying out to the Lord for:

  • Repentance in our hearts and mercy from our Lord Jesus Christ
  • Provision of resources, beds, health and equipment for the NHS
  • Wisdom from God for those in government and positions of leadership and authority
  • Healing and restoration for those who are ill and fighting the virus, including Prime Minister Boris Johnson
  • Comfort for those who are mourning the loss of loved ones
  • Protection, both physically and mentally, of those who are self-isolating

3. Join PrayLondon’s online prayer meeting (via face​book​.com/​L​D​N​p​rayer) at 7pm on Sunday evening for an hour of intentional prayer, with input from a range of guests. More prayer ideas will be shared on the PrayLondon website.