When immigrant communities from South Asia were arriving in Wolverhampton during the 1950s and 60s, a group of Christians prayed that the Lord would send someone able to speak the language of the new arrivals and share the good news of Jesus with them. In 1972, Marlin and Barbara Summers came to the city and the group praised God for answering their prayer.

Marlin and Barbara had been missionaries in Pakistan and India. They spoke Punjabi, the language of many of the newcomers, and understood their culture, so they were entrusted with the work.

They settled in the city with their six young children. Two years after their arrival, in December 1974, Marlin and Barbara started the first public meeting of the Wolverhampton Asian Christian Fellowship, with nineteen in attendance. It was not an easy message to hear: Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). It was delivered with love and compassion, but for those who truly turned and followed, it was the start of mocking, abandonment and hatred against them. Yet the Lord was at work. 

Marlin and Barbara Summers
Marlin and Barbara Summers with two of their children

A man by the name of Siri Ram began to attend the new church. Siri had been an alcoholic for over 30 years, and admittedly, was unpleasant to his wife and children. After much prayer, he came to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. In a single day, he broke the habit of drink. He was set free. The turnaround in Siri’s life, the love shown, his witness and prayer, were indeed a miracle. He testified about the change in his life, which was a demonstration that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things pass away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

In another encounter, Ratni, a woman who had been assaulted by her abusive husband, fled for her life, but he had pursued and tracked her down. The believers in the church had helped her, and she came to seek refuge in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Friend of the wounded heart.

There are countless stories of conversions in the boom years of 1974 – 1986. More help was needed for the growing church, and in 1983 Maartje Rinkema from the Netherlands joined the work. During this period, Hari Krishan Kaul and his wife Rita came to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, finding in Him the rest and peace they so needed. Hari would be instrumental in the church’s leadership and years later become its first Asian pastor. 

Even today, the Lord is transforming lives, answering prayer, and instructing us through the Bible. We give thanks to God for His mercies and the service He has rendered from a small flock to reach out to regions beyond our immediate community: India, Brazil, China, Africa and throughout the UK.

"Even today, the Lord is transforming lives, answering prayer, and instructing us through the Bible."

Our church anniversary on 6 December is a special occasion to give thanks for God’s faithfulness. The church has an amazing story, captured in the book Lives Less Ordinary: a story of fearless faith in an extraordinary God, written by our former pastor’s son, Roy Summers.

Our history shows us the power of prayer, changing lives and remaining true to the gospel. Our focus is to give Him all the glory and to be prepared for His return. 

You are welcome to join us at our 50th anniversary celebrations on 6 – 8 December. For more details, see our website: acf​wolver​hamp​ton​.org​.uk

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