Tuesday, 25 March is an opportunity to to unite in praying for the sick, the poor and the future of our health and social care services. The NHS needs better investment to tackle rising health inequalities, an aging population and improve end of life and palliative care across the UK. Legalising assisted suicide is not the answer.

We are delighted to participate in the National Day of Prayer against assisted suicide – a collaboration with Affinity, CARE, Christian Institute and Christian Medical Fellowship. 

In Westminster, Kim’s Leadbeater’s Terminally Ill Adults Bill goes to a vote on 25 April and in Holyrood, Liam McArthur’s private members bill is set to complete Stage 1 by 23 May 2025. Both proposals have unintended consequences, particularly for those living in socially deprived communities, the elderly or those suffering with mental distress. Proposals to legalise assisted suicide must be rejected!


We are encouraging Christians from across the UK to set aside a day to personally pray or to organise an in-person or online prayer gathering in your church. Five ways you and your church can pray effectively:

1. Pray for compassion

Pray for a revival of compassion in our society, that we would prioritise caring for sick people over seeking to help them end their lives.

2. Pray for courage

Give thanks for those politicians already opposing the bill and pray for more to find the courage to speak out.

3. Pray for clarity

Pray that politicians and journalists would understand the bitter reality of what the Kim Leadbeater and Liam McArthur bills would mean for the vulnerable and for the nature of the relationship between doctors and patients.

4. Pray for concern

More and more professionals are speaking out against the unworkability of the proposals. Pray their voices would be heeded by the politicians who will be voting on the bill.

5. Pray for co-operation

Give thanks for the wide range of people and organisations, Christian and non-Christian, working hard to prevent the bill becoming law. Pray for the effectiveness of their work in parliament, in the media, and local campaigning.

"We are living in a time of such uncertainty and it’s vital that we pray as one for breakthrough in our nation. Please do join with so many others in praying on 25 March for the Lord to move powerfully"
Gavin Calver
Gavin Calver
CEO, Evangelical Alliance
Kim Leadbeater replaces High Court judge with assisted dying review panels

Kim Leadbeater replaces High Court judge with assisted dying review panels

Backbench Labour MPs are vocalising their concerns in response to Leadbeater’s U-turn
Why the law on assisted dying must be rejected

Why the law on assisted dying must be rejected

What the Evangelical Alliance has to say about proposals to introduce assisted dying/suicide Learn More