As Wales enters its second month in lockdown, it is amazing to reflect how social distancing has not diluted our ability to engage with either our families, friends, church families or local communities.

The staff of the Evangelical Alliance have had the privilege of contacting all of our member church and organisation leaders over the last few weeks and we have been thrilled by how brilliantly the church has responded to this crisis. Christians truly are right at the forefront of tackling some of the greatest challenges facing the nation today through initiatives such as food and clothing banks, caring for the elderly and those in need, chatting with the lonely, providing shelter for the homeless, and collecting prescriptions and medication to name but a few. This of course is nothing new: it is part of what we do year in, year out; it is part of who we are. It’s also incredible to see how many Sunday services are being broadcast each week and how mid-week small groups and prayer meetings are continuing online.

For all the horror COVID-19 has brought to people around the globe, I’ve been encouraged by society’s desire to Clap for Carers’ every Thursday in order to honour and appreciate our key workers. This reminds me of 1 Thessalonians 5:11, which exhorts us to encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing”. This is a season to serve, show gratitude, love one another, and cheer one another on fiercely as collectively we seek a way through this. Now is also the time to reimagine what life beyond lockdown might look like. What better time for people of faith to dream of a better future for our communities, to facilitate conversations around the bigger questions of life, and establish new rhythms of living that ensure the physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing of all. I pray that during this challenging season, we would all know the peace of God, which transcends all understanding guarding our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).

In the March-April edition of idea magazine, I reminded readers that the more we love God, the more we can love others. Expanding on my Nehemiah vision for 2020, I encourage the church in Wales to work together to see real spiritual transformation across our nation. Have a read of We build together’ and prayerfully consider what steps you might take to work with other Christians to share the love of God.

Image by congerdesign