Proposals to decriminalise abortion in England and Wales is a policy proposal too far. Now is the time for Christians to speak up and outline the risks to women and the unborn child in pregnancy.

In December 2023, we updated our members on two clauses introduced to the Criminal Justice Bill and explained the negative impact decriminalising abortion will have on the welfare and safety of both pregnant women and their unborn child.

For decades, abortion providers and pro-abortion politicians have ferociously campaigned to liberalise laws and de-regulate the abortion system in the UK. Their most recent successes have been:

  • In 2019, Westminster unilaterally passed laws to decriminalise abortion in Northern Ireland. Since then, abortion rates have doubled in three years with minimal information collected and no legal requirement to understand why abortion has been chosen. This is unacceptable and must be addressed. Data reveals how (un)successful policy change has been and also identifies issues in medical care. Without sufficient reporting it is difficult to respond to needs and also develop alternative care for women in pregnancy.
  • In August 2022, at-home early medical abortion provision, introduced during lockdown, became a permanent policy decision within England and Wales, despite government reports finding women were experiencing health complications due to a lack of in-person medical supervision.

New clauses 1 (NC1) and new clauses 2 (NC2), if accepted, complete the pro-abortion lobbyists’ objectives to de-regulate and liberalise abortion laws. 

With these clauses they are seeking to remove abortion from a framework of supervised care and push ahead with individual choice and greater access to abortion providers, but these come with huge risks and unintended consequences for women and unborn children, exposing them to great harm at every stage of pregnancy.

The current law and abortion framework recognise the procedure of abortion comes with significant health risks to both lives during pregnancy. On balance it seeks to protect women from undue influence that would otherwise persuade her against her will whilst giving legal protections to the unborn child. 

Both amendments undermine dignity, remove legal safeguards and protections and must be opposed.

Now is the time to act

The advocacy team here at the Evangelical Alliance, have briefed parliamentarians ahead of the vote, stating the importance of the law in protecting the pregnant woman and the unborn child. We have also set out alternative pro-life affirming policies and practices in maternity units that could better support women and families during and following pregnancy.

We anticipate MPs will debate the revised Bill and vote on these two amendments in early February and we would encourage members to write to their MPs before then. 

The advocacy team have provided an update and new call to action in light of NC2 amendment withdrawn at committee stage and a Diana Johnson’s amendment re-published ahead of the report stage debate and vote. Take action here.

Both Lives: The UK parliament conducts an inquiry into birth trauma

Both Lives: The UK parliament conducts an inquiry into birth trauma

Lisa Curry, Both Lives research and communications assistant, sheds light on a recent UK parliament inquiry into birth trauma and shares why this is a necessary step forward
Both Lives

Both Lives

A pro-women and pro-life movement – imagining a people and place that values the life and health of women and unborn children, and pursues the wellbeing of both Find out more