As a relatively new staff member to the UK’s oldest and largest evangelical unity organisation, I have come to value and respect the legacies that have been left behind by those who have gone before me. I am grateful for my predecessor’s neat filing system. I love our team-building traditions. I’m inspired by the culture of prayer that is promoted throughout the organisation, both internally and externally (an integral part of the Evangelical Alliance’s foundations). These are great legacies to step into and inherit.

In fact, ever since 1846, the people of this alliance have been sowing gospel seeds, promoting religious freedom, and speaking up for the marginalised. They may not have seen all the fruits of their labour, but there is no doubt that their work has benefited generations.

Without the boldness of the Victorian church leader John Angell James (one of the first people in Britain to suggest an evangelical alliance) and our other founding members, we may not even exist as a unity movement today.

In the Bible, the concept of a legacy focuses on what will endure, passing on things of lasting value to those who will live on after us. If we look at scriptures such as Proverbs 13:22 and 2 Timothy 2:2, we can see clear examples and commands to live intentionally and feed into the next generation, and the generation after that, for their success. Legacies handed down over the years by faithful men and women have enabled Christians who came before us to be strengthened, equipped and resourced, and we continue to reap the benefits from this.

That’s why we are so grateful to the hundreds of faithful Christians who have fed into this generation, and many more to come, by leaving the Evangelical Alliance a gift in their will. Christians like our member Heather Rayner.

We asked Heather to share her motivations for leaving a legacy to us.

I see leaving a legacy as a way of giving at another stage of life, leaving a portion of the many gifts that I have received and want to share with others.

When it came to making our wills, my husband Tim and I made provision for our families first, but we also wanted to know that a part of our estate was separated out for God’s work. We recognise that legacies are an important part of ensuring that the vital ongoing work of some charities is well-funded long into the future.

We are happy to share with others that we’ve left a legacy to help carry on the Evangelical Alliance’s work long after our lifetimes, promoting values that are important to us. I’m also pleased that the Evangelical Alliance know this and can continue to keep me updated with their plans for the future as a result.

"When it came to making our wills, my husband Tim and I made provision for our families first, but we also wanted to know that a part of our estate was separated out for God’s work."

I believe most Christians would be happy to consider including a legacy in their will for causes they love, and it’s probably something we should talk about more and share with one another.”

If you, like Heather, would like to leave a legacy, we are offering you the opportunity to write your will for free through us.

There is no obligation to leave the Evangelical Alliance a gift in your will, but we hope that after looking after your loved ones, you’ll consider leaving a percentage of your estate to us as well so that we can continue shaping our nation, speaking powerfully into the corridors of power, seeking unity and making Jesus known to this and future generations.

To find out more, please contact Rev Wendy Pawsey, our head of giving, on 0207 520 3856 or w.​pawsey@​eauk.​org or you can visit our legacies page to find out more.