We asked our Public Leader participants across Northern Ireland, Scotland and England what they thought was the most exciting thing about being a public leader in 2020.

We’re so encouraged by what they told us – God is doing some amazing things through His people in the UK!

Matt, education, England: For me, the most exciting thing about being a leader in 2020 is that with all the challenges and conflicts the world is presenting, it is ever clearer that the way and truth of Jesus is the only constant and the only way to bring real peace to people’s lives. As Christian leaders we get to partner with Christ to bring that news to people. These opportunities will be ever present in 2020. The Public Leader course is growing our knowledge of God’s mission and encouraging us to lead with boldness. It is developing our creativity and encouraging us to be more focused. It is doing this through the inspiring testimonies of Christian leaders who are doing that day in, day out. 

Daniel, law, Scotland: 2020 is a crucial opportunity for leaders in Scotland. We’re flawed human beings, working in a society full of uncertainty and greed. We’re surrounded by political tension and identity crises. But, what would it look like if we entrusted our hopes and anxieties to the creator, to Christ, who has done everything for us? Exploring and applying that question through prayer can only lead to God doing wonderful things. 

Beulah, administration, England: Change, in quite literally everything, happens to be speeding up, and although this is quite scary at times, it’s also an exciting thing to witness. Serving a sovereign God who never changes and is always one step ahead gives me confidence that with His help, I can navigate through these changes and lead strongly, without being tossed too much by the turbulence. 

Sarah, education, Northern Ireland: The Public Leader course has been so helpful in changing my mindset into understanding work as worship, rather than just a place where we can share the gospel with people. It’s helped me to see that we can bring the kingdom to the spheres in which we live, instead of simply just waiting for the kingdom to come. It has been exciting to be in a group of people with different gifts and working in completely different areas, but all with a desire to lead with integrity, see kingdom values come to our workplaces and to look at how the Bible gives us a substantial framework of how to live, work and relate to others. 

Leslie, finance, England: I believe that God has surely taken me to the position to be a public leader in 2020. This is exciting as it means that I have the ability to be the figure-head / leader that I wanted to look up to when I was growing up. My current working environment is a driven, busy, world-renowned, iconic space to many, so my Christian values can impact many. The Public Leader course is equipping me with the tools to interact with others in such working environments who may not have the same beliefs. 

Ruth, entrepreneur, England: I am excited about being a leader in 2020, because in contemporary society, there aren’t many leaders I can see who are exemplary. It is important to have exemplary leaders who reflect integrity in their character. The Public Leader course is supporting me to be empowered as a leader and to take a Christ-centred approach to leadership. In 2020, in the consultancy industry I work in and in ministry in and out of church, I hope I can be an example of Christian leadership.

Applications for the autumn 2020 courses open in March – you can register your interest now, including for our brand new Wales course.