It’s clear that the health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic is now being matched by an economic crisis, and people’s livelihoods are regrettably being affected. The Government’s financial support packages have been widely welcomed, but there are many industries facing a bleak future, and consequently many people are too.

When it’s not us, it’s easy to say the right thing, offer prayer, shake our head at the situation and yet stay personally uninvolved. But we cannot stay uninvolved – this is not God’s nature, and it’s not how He’d want His people to act.

It is right that we mourn with those who have lost jobs, those who seem to be on a never-ending hunt for employment. It is right that we pray with and for them too. Much like Nehemiah, who when told God’s people were in trouble and disgrace”, initially responded with weeping and prayer.

Nehemiah’s prayer led to action, however. Aware of his position of privilege, he planned and prepared. When the opportunity arose, Nehemiah had everything in place to help God’s people. He prayed, he was prepared, and God made it possible.

In his book Undivided, Graham Hooper says we can move from identifying a need to hearing it as a call when we realise that we are perhaps in the unique position to do something about it”. Is it possible that we are in the unique position to serve God and people who need help at this time?

The pandemic has destroyed livelihoods and businesses and has caused the rate of those seeking universal credit sky-rocket, with many claiming for the first time. Families have fractured under the strain, children have gone hungry, and all forecasts agree that this will not be resolved quickly. This all serves as a reminder of the state of the broken world, groaning as it longs to be restored (Romans 8:21 – 22).

In our Changing Church: autumn survey, 97 per cent of church leaders said they are deeply concerned about the long-term economic consequences of coronavirus. At the Evangelical Alliance we are calling for this concern to translate into action through job creation. Christians have an opportunity to shape post-pandemic culture, form new relationships with wider society, and be a witness to the restoring king we serve.

We are working to see this materialise in two specific areas: first, resourcing Christians in business with tools that will help them create jobs; second, equipping and inspiring church congregations to see job creation as a potential outworking of their faith, the result of which might be the launch of job clubs and other initiatives.

By responding to this need, we can point to Jesus, who meets our greatest need in restoring people to Himself.

What’s taking shape

We have been stimulating conversation and action within the UK’s evangelical community. Entrepreneurs, churches and business networks, as well as Christian compassion ministries, have been drawn together to share insights into what is happening and explore what more can be done.

In the weeks ahead, we will be sharing case studies of entrepreneurs who have created jobs to give insight into this work, as well as stories of flourishing church-led job clubs and ideas on how to do this well within your own church.

Kingdom entrepreneur’ Jerry Marshall, who set up Transformational Enterprise Network, kicks us off by sharing how churches and individual Christians can create new jobs in this season in his article Lessons in job creation from a Christian entrepreneur.

"We are calling for this concern to translate into action through job creation."