Born out of a desire to equip the UK church for mission, Great Commission has shared story after story of people stepping out in their context, sharing their faith and making Jesus known. Now two years in, we’re certainly not done yet. 

It can sometimes feel like evangelism is best left to the professionals or those who seem to have all the right answers, but Matthew 28 reassures us that God wants all of us to be involved in spreading the gospel.

We’ve seen this time and again through stories such as Asha’s, who went to a church support group to sell drugs but instead encountered Jesus, and now shares Him with people she used to sell to.

Then there’s Mark, who was raised by Christian parents, but has learnt that there is no such thing as a boring testimony, and sharing his story of Jesus’ presence in his life is powerful.

Similarly, Margaret grew up in a Christian home, and now in her 80s she’s still actively sharing Jesus through her miraculous story of healing from necrotising fasciitis.

And finally, coming from a Hindu background, Manoj met Jesus after huge losses in the financial crash, and now he wants everyone he meets to discover Jesus for themselves.

Hearing stories like these, it’s impossible not to believe that God is on the move in the UK today. We want to build confidence, not only in the fact that the gospel is powerful and effective, but also that we all have the God-given ability to share Jesus. 

That’s why we’ve designed Great Commission to inspire, encourage and equip each of us to play our part in sharing Jesus, as individuals but also as church communities. When we pray and act together, we are united with believers around the world, because witnessing to Jesus is a collective responsibility as much as a personal call.

Right at the beginning, Great Commission was catalysed by the Talking Jesus research into people’s perceptions of Jesus, Christians and evangelism. The research was a collaborative effort between the Evangelical Alliance, HOPE Together, and the Church of England – and collaboration has remained at the heart of everything we’ve done since.

Our member churches and organisations are doing wonderful work partnering with God around the UK, and it is our privilege to be the table upon which so many fantastic resources can be found in one place. From toddler group resources to ideas for outreach with prisoners, everything on great​com​mis​sion​.co​.uk has the sole aim of making Jesus known across our nations.

After two years of Great Commission, we are encouraged and uplifted by all that our members and the wider church are doing to share Jesus, but we are convinced that this is only just the beginning. Whatever it looks like for you, we want to fuel a passion for sharing Jesus, releasing all of us to make Jesus known together.