Politicians across political divides have come together to offer their condolences following the death of Sir David Amess MP.

Speaking in the House of Commons Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: When he died, he was doing what he firmly believed was the most important part of any MP’s job – offering help to those in need”. Johnson went on to add that Sir David was dedicated, passionate, firm in his beliefs but never anything less than respectful to those who thought differently”.

Sir David, MP for Southend West, died on Friday, 15 October following a knife attack while conducting his regular constituency surgery at a local Methodist church. The suspected assailant has been arrested under terrorist offences. 

In these moments of tragedy, it is important for those who trust Jesus to think about how we can share something of His love and hope with those around us.

In parliament MPs recalled Sir David’s devotion to his constituents, first representing Basildon and then Southend, never taking ministerial office, instead focusing on key issues he was passionate about and speaking up for the concerns of those he represented. 

It has been frequently remarked how well liked Sir David was among both his fellow Conservative MPs and others across the aisle from every party. He clearly demonstrated that it was possible to hold convictions strongly and represent a diverse constituency with compassion and vigour.

Sir David was a devout Catholic and regularly campaigned for the rights of unborn children. He also championed animal rights and lobbied for Southend to become a city. This latter cause was honoured as the Queen granted Southend city status in his memory.

In the light of this attack and others in recent years, particularly the murder of Jo Cox MP and the attempted murder of Stephen Timms MP, there have been renewed calls to address both the security of MPs and the risk they encounter while doing their job. That both Cox and Amess were killed at constituency surgeries marks both the day-to-day reality of the life of MPs as well as their vulnerability. 

It highlights the need for all of us to acknowledge the effort, work and sometimes immense sacrifice that politicians take on in their duties. In contrast to the accounts of MPs claiming unnecessary expenses or using their power for their own self-interest, the reality of MPs working hard and committing themselves to the duties their office entails too often goes unnoticed or under appreciated. 

MPs are sometimes treated as a distant other’ because of political divides or perceptions of how they use their power or resources. This disconnect is something that we can do something to address. At a time when many MPs might be feeling an increased sense of fear and risk as they go about their duties, Christians can be salt and light in what might otherwise be a very dark situation. It is always valuable to build relationships with your MP, as well as other elected representatives to national parliaments, local assemblies or council chambers; but perhaps now is an ideal time to make contact and thank them for all that they do. 

At the Evangelical Alliance we are committed to equipping Christians to engage well with politicians and be a positive witness. Too often MPs only hear from their constituents when something is wrong or we want to them to do something – whether that is vote a certain way or back a local cause. Our recent Connect resource provides helpful information on how you can build relationships with your elected representatives.

You can find your MP and their postal and email address on the Parliament website. Why not take a few minutes this week to write them a letter or send a card to thank them for their work and all that they do, and encourage them in what is no doubt a difficult time?