As Christians, we are called to care for the marginalised and poor, for human rights, for the overlooked, local communities, migrants, children, persons with disabilities and people in vulnerable situations. We believe that the marginalised members of our communities have the power to bring compassion and clarity to societal reform as it relates to climate change.

To build the vision of COP26, government and private-sector organisations have developed work programmes, projects and networks that give voice to both young and marginalised peoples, which allows them to advocate change for themselves and their communities. We believe that this a beautiful, critical part of making valued socio-economic growth related to climate change, and we are calling church leaders to uplift marginalised members within their church communities as they speak into the current climate crisis. 

Christ’s sovereignty means that we no longer have to be afraid of death and decay. Our God has promised to build an eternal home for us, where the former sky and the former earth will pass away, and in the glory of the Lord, we will behold a new sky and a new earth (Revelation 21:1). We are also being renewed in mind, heart, flesh, and spirit through Christ who conquered death on the cross (Ephesians 4:23).

When we reflect on our finite nature, our vision of eternity grows and we realise how valuable God’s gift of life is, to us, on earth as a window-glimpse of heaven. We believe that it is within the great interest of church leaders to promote opportunities where Christians from diverse backgrounds are given a platform to demonstrate Christlike compassion, wisdom, discernment, integrity, and foresight when making climate-related decisions that affect our world. 


Below are links to work, internship and forum networks that we believe would benefit from Christian input: 

  • Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) has agreed to host a new work programme focused on advancing climate education, training, public awareness, public participation and public access to international information and cooperation. This new flexible framework encourages governments to include youth as critical agents of national delegations and chance. Their OECD Young Action Plan promoted a government-wide strategy to support young peoples involvement in decisions around climate change. This proposal is aimed at strengthening youth policies and outcomes in relevant policy areas, including employment and education, social and public governance. 
  • The OECD Internship Programme is open to students with diverse backgrounds, with a primary goal of giving successful candidates the opportunity to work on detailed projects linked to the organisation’s corporate functions and Strategic Orientations of the secretary-general. Applicants must be enrolled at a fully accredited degree programme (Bachelor, Master, PhD) during the entire duration of their internship, which is open on an on-going basis. Dates for the current vacancy published online include 1 March and 1 September 2022 and 2023. To learn more about the programme and access the application form here. In addition, OECD Youthwise was established to bring youth voices (between the ages of 18 and 30 years old) into policy debates. Access the website and a brochure on how to involve the young people at your church here.
  • The United Nations Climate Change (UNFCCC) has also developed a Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP), which can be accessed here. Following the success of an initial two-year work plan, the LCIPP Facilitative Working Group developed a further three-year work plan with continued focus on capacity for engagement, knowledge sharing and climate policy. This renewed plan will now incorporate new activities for young and indigenous peoples. To engage your church members with upcoming events, training webinars and live broadcasts, visit the website calendar here.

The Evangelical Alliance has also published resources that look at the conversation of climate change. Findings from research done in May 2021 became the groundwork for discussion on ways the church can invest in creation care as good stewards of the earth.

The key points from our research led to two additional documents, 10 top tips for creation care and 5 key questions for your church on climate change response.

Our resource Prioritising creation: climate change is a key gospel issue for our time examines the way our relationship with God directly links to the way we approach His good creation. The resources were created to help churches reflect on the great commission – bearing witness to the gospel in all nations – and we encourage your church to engage with these materials as you continue to explore the repercussions of climate change.